React Pagination Component.
npm install
npm start
online example:
- support ie8,ie8+,chrome,firefox,safari
var Pagination = require('rc-pagination');
var React = require('react');
React.render(<Pagination />, container);
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
defaultCurrent | uncontrolled current page | Number | 1 |
current | current page | Number | undefined |
total | items total count | Number | 0 |
defaultPageSize | default items per page | Number | 10 |
pageSize | items per page | Number | 10 |
onChange | page change callback | Function(current, pageSize) | - |
showSizeChanger | show pageSize changer | Bool | false |
pageSizeOptions | specify the sizeChanger selections | Array | ['10', '20', '30', '40'] |
onShowSizeChange | pageSize change callback | Function(current, size) | - |
showQuickJumper | show quick goto jumper | Bool | false |
showTotal | show total records and range | Function(total, [from, to]) | - |
className | className of pagination | String | - |
simple | when set, show simple pager | Object | null |
locale | to set l10n config | Object | zh_CN |
style | the style of pagination | Object | {} |
showLessItems | show less page items | Bool | false |
showTitle | show page items title | Bool | true |
itemRender | custom page item renderer | Function(current, type: 'page' | 'prev' |
rc-pagination is released under the MIT license.