
Python module to manipulate NTFS Alternate Data Stream (ADS) in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Python module to manipulate NTFS Alternate Data Stream (ADS) of files and directories in Python.

How it works?

On Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and later, NTFS Alternate Data Streams can be accessed using the FindFirstStreamW and FindNextStreamW functions. So this module is a direct interface to this function using ctypes and the kernel32 function. The functionalities are:

  • List Alternate streams
  • Add a stream to a file
  • Remove a stream from a file
  • Extract a stream from a file


All methods are grouped in an ADS class that allow doing multiple operations on the given file. Available methods are:

  • iter standard python way to iterate over all stream names
  • has_streams return True if the file have alternate Streams
  • add_stream_from_file add a file as stream to the file
  • delete_stream remove the given stream of the file
  • get_stream_content return the content of the given stream

Basic example

>>> from pyads import ADS
>>> file = "myfile.txt"

>>> handler = ADS(file)
>>> if handler.has_streams():
...     for stream in handler:
...         print(stream)

>>> handler.add_stream_from_file("attached.txt")
>>> list(handler)
[u'helloworld.txt', u'secondfile.jpg', 'attached.txt']
>>> print(handler.get_stream_content("attached.txt"))
This is the content of an attached file.


This software is MIT-Licensed


Thanks for @Alexey-T and @wesdawg for their improvments