
ℹ️ Information
This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

Table of contents


HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-ADPWorkforce-UpdateEmail is a target connector. ADP Workforce provides a set of REST API's that allow you to programmatically interact with it's data.

This connector only updates the email address for a worker and makes use of a specific event to the ADP API's

Getting started

Note that this connector only updates the email address for a worker. The create.ps1 does not create accounts but merely correlates a HelloID person with an ADP Workforce worker.

Connection settings

The following settings are required to connect to the ADP Workforce:

Setting Description Mandatory
BaseUrl The BaseUrl to the ADP Workforce environment Yes
ClientID The ClientID for the ADP Workforce environment. This will be provided by ADP Yes
ClientSecret The ClientSecret for the ADP Workforce environment. This will be provided by ADP Yes
CertificatePath The location to the 'private key of the x.509 certificate' on the server where the HelloID agent and provisioning agent are running. Make sure to use the private key for the certificate that's used to generate a ClientID and ClientSecret and for activating the required API's Yes
CertificatePassword The password for the *.pfx certificate Yes
Toggle debug logging When toggled, debug logging will be displayed No


  • Windows PowerShell 5.1 installed on the server where the 'HelloID agent and provisioning agent' are running.

  • The public key *.pfx certificate belonging to the X.509 certificate that's used to activate the required API's.

  • The password for the public key *.pfx certificate.

  • The 'Execute on-premises' switch on the 'System' tab is toggled.

  • Additional rights to worker.businesscommunication.email.change

The emailaddress is updated using a POST call to: https://api.eu.adp.com/events/hr/v1/worker.businesscommunication.email.change. additional rights to this endpoint is required and should be requested by the customer at customer support of ADP.

X.509 certificate / public key

To obtain access to the ADP Workforce API's, a x.509 certificate is needed. This certificate has to be created by the customer.

The public key belonging to the certificate, must be send ADP. ADP will then generate a ClientID and ClientSecret and will activate the required API's.



The create.ps1 does not create accounts but merely correlates a HelloID person with a ADP Worker and updates the emailaddress if nessecarry.

CustomField Custom.AssociateOID

This connector uses the Custom.AssociateOID field from HelloID. This field must be created and mapped in the HelloID ADP Workforce source connector.


This connector is meant to update the emailAddress for a worker in ADP Workforce

Getting help

For more information on how to configure a HelloID PowerShell connector, please refer to our documentation pages

If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum

HelloID docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: https://docs.helloid.com/