
Personal drone travel shots

Primary LanguageShell


To add this repo's videos to Aerial, follow these steps:

  1. System Preferences -> Screen Saver
  2. Aerial -> Screen Saver Options ...
  3. Settings (the gear, top left)
  4. Custom sources -> Add Online...
  5. Paste this link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RobinFrcd/AerialShots/master
  6. Click the down arrow to download the videos


Run On Linux

  1. Install dependencies: sudo apt install -y wget xscreensaver mpv

  2. Download videos:

    • ./scripts/dl-shots-4k.sh for 4k videos
    • ./scripts/dl-shots-hd.sh for HD (1080p) videos
  3. Launch xscreensaver to create ~/.xscreensaver and add this in the programs: (replace 4k with hd if you've downloaded hd clips):

"RobinFrcd"  mpv --really-quiet --no-stop-screensaver     \
              --fs --vo=gpu --panscan=1 --hwdec=auto      \
              --wid=$XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW --no-audio       \
              --loop-playlist=2  --shuffle                \
              $HOME/.clips/robinfrcd-4k/                   \n\
  1. In xscreensaver, select Mode: Only One Screen Saver and RobinFrcd

To configure xscreensaver correctly, see this stackoverflow post