
Docker container state monitor with notifications for Discord

Primary LanguageGo



Docker container state monitor with notifications for Discord

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Table of Contents
  1. About Heimdall
  2. Features
  3. Usage
  4. Technologies
  5. Screenshots

About Heimdall

Heimdall is a monitoring application for your Docker containers. It sends you notifications through a webhook whenever the state of a container changes. It does this by using the Docker socket to listen for events. Heimdall also provides the option to receive periodic notifications about the state of your containers, where it sends you an overview of every container's status.


  • Easy monitoring for Docker containers
  • Receive notifications through Discord webhooks
  • Receive periodic notifications about the state of your containers
  • Status API
  • Web UI
  • Bugs (hopefully)


Heimdall can be used in a couple different ways:

  1. As a Docker container
  2. As a standalone application

Docker container

The easiest way to use Heimdall is by running it as a Docker container. You can do this by running the following command:

docker run -d \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -e HEIMDALL_WEBHOOK_URL=<your-webhook-url> \
    --name heimdall \

Using Docker Desktop

In some cases, Docker Desktop puts the Docker socket in a different location than the standard Docker installation. You can change the above command to the following to point to the right location:

docker run -d \
-    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
+    -v ~/.docker/desktop/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -e HEIMDALL_WEBHOOK_URL=<your-webhook-url> \
    --name heimdall \

Standalone application

You can also run Heimdall as a standalone application. This is useful if you want to run it on a server or your local machine. To run Heimdall as a standalone application, you can download the latest release from the releases page.

Be sure to download the right binary for your operating system.

Platform Binary
Linux heimdall_Linux_x86_64
Raspberry Pi heimdall_Linux_armv7
Windows heimdall_Windows_x86_64
macOS heimdall_Darwin_x86_64

Other binaries are available in case you have a different architecture or operating system.

After downloading the release, you can run it by executing the following command:

./heimdall --webhook-url=<your-webhook-url>

On Windows you can run it by executing the following command:

heimdall.exe --webhook-url=<your-webhook-url>

Using Docker Desktop

In some cases if you're using Docker Desktop, you might run into an error where Heimdall can't connect to the Docker socket. By default, Docker Desktop puts the Docker socket in a different location than the standard Docker installation. If Heimdall doesn't automatically detect your environment and the right location for the Docker socket, you'll need to create a symlink to the docker.sock file. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo ln -s ~/.docker/desktop/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock


Heimdall can be customised by using flags or environment variables. Either works, but flags take precedence over environment variables. Short flags can be used in place of the longer flags to save some typing.

Long flag Short flag Environment Variable Default Required Explanation
--periodic-notification -n HEIMDALL_PERIODIC_NOTIFICATION false No Enable periodic notifications
--notification-schedule -s HEIMDALL_NOTIFICATION_SCHEDULE @hourly Only if periodic notifications are enabled and you want a schedule The schedule for periodic notifications. Supports cron expressions (e.g. 0 9 * * 1), @interval expressions (e.g. @hourly, @montly), and @every expressions (e.g. @every 1h30m10s). Learn more
--all-containers -a HEIMDALL_ALL_CONTAINERS false Only if periodic notifications are enabled and you want periodic notifications on all containers Enable periodic notification reporting on all containers, including stopped ones
--retry -r HEIMDALL_RETRY 10 No How long Heimdall should sleep before retrying in case the Docker event stream ends unexpectedly
--provider -p HEIMDALL_PROVIDER discord No What notification provider should be used. Possible values: discord
--webhook-url -w HEIMDALL_WEBHOOK_URL - Yes What URL Heimdall should use to send notifications to
--hostname -h HEIMDALL_HOSTNAME - No, but recommended in case you run Heimdall on multiple devices The name of the host Heimdall is running on. This will cause Heimdall to send status updates with the device name in them: Docker Container Status Update (Hostname)
--debug -d HEIMDALL_DEBUG false No Enable extra debug messages
--notification-interval -i HEIMDALL_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL 60 No. This parameter is DEPRECATED. use --notification-schedule instead How often (in minutes) periodic notifications should be sent


Heimdall was created using Go. The CI/CD pipeline is handled by GitHub Actions and the Docker image is hosted on Docker Hub.

The program is mostly based on the Docker SDK for Go

It uses the following technologies:



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Bing Image Creator


Terminal output


Discord notifications

Container started


Container stopped


Container healthy


Container unhealthy


Container errored


Periodic notification

Running containers


All containers


Notifications with a hostname
