FPGA^2, an OSHW FPGA, initially running in its own online circuit simulator.

CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - PermissiveCERN-OHL-P-2.0


An OSHW (Open-Source Hardware) FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), initially running in its own online circuit simulator.

This operates under the CERN-OHL-P licence.

The first online presence for this project, is/was freedom.is/svg


  • Currently converting parts of the original website into documentation here.
  • Developing a new tool to generate complex SVG faster.

The previous slow generation of SVG diagrams, held up this documenting process for a while.

New Contents/Documentation

Rather untidily banged in here, starting from my talk at php-sw, in April 2024.

Documentation Restart

(Old/original) Contents

Main documentation, experimentally also merged into this readme:

Improved FPGA
Extended Boolean Algebra

Quick Overview

Verilog syntax highlighting test
module Example_counter
#(parameter WIDTH=64,NAME="world")
(input clk,
 output reg [WIDTH-1:0] q);

(The above code has nothing to do with this project.)

Large-scale RTL plan/explanation of my FPGA design (Added 23/5/2023)

You can also download this as a PDF: Click on the download rawfile button.