
Service to publish statistics about MapComplete Changesets to MQTT

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


MapComplete-MQTT is a serrvice publishing statistics about OpenStreetMap changesets made with MapComplete to an MQTT broker.

Running the service

For running the service, there needs to be an MQTT broker running and some environment variables set.

Below is a summary of the environment variables:

Variable Description Default
MQTT_HOST The host of the MQTT broker localhost
MQTT_PORT The port of the MQTT broker 1883
MQTT_USERNAME The username for the MQTT broker empty
MQTT_PASSWORD The password for the MQTT broker empty
OSMCHA_TOKEN The token for OSMCha (required) empty
DRY_RUN If set to True, no data is published to the MQTT broker False
UPDATE_INTERVAL The interval in seconds between updates 300

These can be set in an .env file (see .env.example) or by setting the environment variables yourself. The necessary OSMCha token can be obtained by logging in to OSMCha and copying the token from the Account Settings page.

Then the application can be either run directly with node or with Docker.

Running with node

To run the application with node, run npm install and npm start.

Running with Docker

To run the application with Docker, either build it locally using docker build -t mapcomplete-mqtt . or pull it from Docker Hub using docker pull ghcr.io/RobinLinde/mapcomplete-mqtt.

Then run the container either by passing the environment variables directly or by using an .env file (see .env.example) using docker run --name mapcomplete-mqtt --env-file .env mapcomplete-mqtt or docker run --name mapcomplete-mqtt -e MQTT_HOST=localhost -e MQTT_USERNAME=user -e MQTT_PASSWORD=pass -e OSMCHA_TOKEN=token mapcomplete-mqtt.

Using the data

Data is published to the topic mapcomplete/statistics on the MQTT broker, with the payload being a JSON object as shown below.

Most items are also available on their own topic, e.g. mapcomplete/statistics/changesets/total or mapcomplete/statistics/users/top.

Apart from this, some data is also published as a Home Assistant sensor (see list below).

Home Assistant sensors

Sensor ID Description
mapcomplete_changesets_total The total number of changesets
mapcomplete_changesets_last The ID of the last changeset
mapcomplete_changesets_last_color The color of the last changeset, as a hex string
mapcomplete_changesets_last_rgb The color of the last changeset, as an RGB array
mapcomplete_users_total The total number of users
mapcomplete_users_last The username of the last user
mapcomplete_users_top The username of the top user
mapcomplete_themes_total The total number of themes
mapcomplete_themes_last The name of the last theme
mapcomplete_themes_top The names of the top themes
mapcomplete_questions_total The total number of questions answered
mapcomplete_images_total The total number of images uploaded
mapcomplete_points_total The total number of points added

Example data

  "changesets": {
    "total": 3,
    "last": 1234,
    "lastUrl": "https://www.osm.org/changeset/1234",
    "lastColor": "#fffe73",
    "lastColorRgb": [255, 254, 115],
    "colors": ["#70c549", "#e2783d", "#fffe73"],
    "colorsStr": "#70c549,#e2783d,#fffe73",
    "colorsRgb": [
      [112, 197, 73],
      [226, 120, 61],
      [255, 254, 115]
    "colorsRgbStr": "112,197,73,226,120,61,255,254,115",
    "changesets": [
        "id": 1231,
        "user": "user1",
        "theme": "etymology",
        "color": "#70c549",
        "colorRgb": [112, 197, 73],

        "url": "https://www.osm.org/changeset/1232"
        "id": 1233,
        "user": "user2",
        "color": "#e2783d",
        "colorRgb": [226, 120, 61],
        "theme": "cyclofix",
        "url": "https://www.osm.org/changeset/1233"
        "id": 1234,
        "user": "user2",
        "color": "#fffe73",
        "colorRgb": [255, 254, 115],
        "theme": "advertising",
        "url": "https://www.osm.org/changeset/1234"
  "users": {
    "total": 3,
    "last": "user2",
    "top": "user2",
    "users": {
      "user1": 1,
      "user2": 2
  "themes": {
    "total": 3,
    "top": "etymology, cyclofix, advertising",
    "last": "advertising",
    "themes": {
      "etymology": 1,
      "cyclofix": 1,
      "advertising": 1
  "questions": 10,
  "images": 2,
  "points": 3