
calculates the daily proportions of locations (and duration) of a certain property (e.g. speed >1)

Primary LanguageR

Daily Proportions


Github repository: github.com/movestore/Daily-Proportions


Filters your data according to a selected attribute and value and returns the daily number and cumulative duration of locations fulfilling this property. Can be adapted for local time zone. It is necessary to include the Time Lag Between Locations App before this App in the workflow.


This App first marks all locations that fulfill a user defined property (e.g. ground speed > 10 m/s). Then it extracts the number of locations per day and track that this property is fulfilled. Sample sizes per day are added.

In addition, the cumulative daily duration is calcualted, where each track segment's duration is attributed to the start locations. For each day the total tracked time is calculated and provided in the output, so that it must not be based on 24 h, if there are large (e.g. night) gaps in the data the timelags of which can be adapted beforehand with the Adapt/Filter Unrealistic Values App.

For each calender date average proportion and duration is calcualted, where n.pts indicates that number of tracks providing data for this date. Two final rows indicate the overall mean and standard deviations of proportion and duration with n.pts indicating the number of individual days where percentages were calculated.

For proper definition of your days, please provide the hours that your time zone deviates from UTC. Daily values will then be adapted accordingly between local midnights. Example: For UTC+2 insert 2.

It is necessary to include the Time Lag Between Locations App before this App in the workflow.

Input data

moveStack in Movebank format

Output data

moveStack in Movebank format


Daily_Proportions.csv: table of daily sample sizes, numbers and cumulative durations of locations that fulfill the required property.

Daily_Proportions.pdf: timelines of numbers and cumulative duraitons of locations that fulfill the required property by individual and averages as last plot.


variab: Name of the required data attribute. Take care that this parameter also exists in the Track Attributes of the input data set.

rel: By this parameter the relation in the required property has to be selected. The possible values differ by parameter data type, only numeric and timestamps variables can relate by '==', '>' or '<'.

valu: Value of the relation that the data set has to fullfill. In case of rel = 'is one of the following' commas have to be used to separate the possible values. In case of a timestamp parameter please use the timestamp format with year, month, day, hour, minute and second as in the example: '2021-06-23 09:34:00"

time: Please tick this parameter if your selected variable is a timestamp type, so that the App can properly work with it.

midnight_adapt: hours that your time zone deviates from UTC. Examples: for UTC+2 insert 2, for UTC-6 insert -6.

Null or error handling:

Parameter variab: If there is no individual variable with the name given here, an error will be returned.

Parameter rel: If none of the relation options are selected, an error will be returned. It has to be carefully considered that the selected relation fits with the data type of the selected variable. Only numeric and timestamps variables can relate by '==', '>' or '<'.

Parameter valu: If there is no value entered, an error will be returned. The data type of the entered value has to fit with the selected variable.

Parameter time: If the selected variable is a timestamp and it was not indicated here, the variable will be treated as a string of text and possibly not handled correctly, leading to errors. Similarly if your variable is not a timestamp and it is indicated here. Default is 'false'.

Parameter midnight_adapt: Values must be between -12 and 12. If other numbers are entered, the dates are shifted further than appropriate and results become difficult to interpret.

Data: The full data set is returned.