The goal of the project was to write two logging programs which take in a user parameter and print a console output in a specific shape and pattern.
Using 3 as a demo parameter,
Pattern 1 is a christmas tree style:
Pattern 2 is a star:
* *
* *
* *
* *
Ensure you have both NodeJs and npm installed on your machine.
Clone the project from github into a local directory. Once the cloning is done, run
npm install
in the source directory.
Afterwares, run
npm start [height]
to generate the trees.
The tests rely on on MochaJs.
To install Mocha as I use it, run npm install -g mocha
to have mocha globally mounted.
Then, in the root directory of the project, run
npm test
This assignment was intended to be a quick practice in writing FizzBuzz level code, but with the condition that the code adheres as closely as possible to both SOLID and DRY development principles.
The problem became engaging when both programs are considered at the same time while following the above principles. Combine that with the dynamic nature of Javascripts language, the lack of true object oriented structure (interfaces, mainly) made this problem an interesting learning experience.
What I would improve for next time is usage of Javascript prototypes to better implement dependency inversion, and rely on enforced types for the actual high level component 'logger' to check before running the program.
Finally, while writing tests around the implemented interfaces wasn't difficult, they also arn't very enlightening as far as testing goes - I attribute this 50/50 with my experience and ability to write robust tests, and the problem being fairly shallow.