
Functional programming for Salesforce Apex

Primary LanguageApexMIT LicenseMIT



List manipulation


Filter enables filtering lists of sObject records by declaring criteria that records have to match through a fluent interface.

Modifier and type Method Description
static RecordMatchingFilterQuery match(SObject prototype) Constructs and returns an object matching query against the prototype
static PartialFieldFilterQuery field(Schema.SObjectField field) Constructs and returns a field matching filter starting with field
static PartialFieldFilterQuery field(String fieldRelation) Constructs and returns a field matching filter starting with fieldRelation

Record matching filter

Account prototype = new Account(
    Name = 'Test',
    AnnualRevenue = 50000000
// Accounts named 'Test' with an AnnualRevenue of **exactly** 50,000,000 are matched
List<Account> filtered = Filter.match(prototype).apply(accounts);

Matches list records against a “prototype” record. A list record is a match if all the fields which are defined on the prototype record are equal to those on the list record.

Filter.match(SObject prototype) returns a RecordMatchingFilterQuery which provides methods to match the filter against a list.

Modifier and type Method Description
List<SObject> apply(Iterable<sObject> records) Matches elements in records and returns them as a new list
List<SObject> apply(Iterable<sObject> records, Type listType) Matches elements in records and returns them as a new list of listType type
FilterResult applyLazy(Iterable<sObject> records) Returns FilterResult iterable which can be used for lazy matching to allow extraction of partial results from large sources
List<SObject> extract(Iterable<sObject> records) Matches elements in records, removes them from the original list and returns them in a new list
List<SObject> extract(Iterable<sObject> records) Matches elements in records, removes them from the original list and returns them in a new list of listType type

Field matching filter

Matches against field criteria.

// Accounts named 'Test' are matched
List<Account> testAccounts = Filter.field(Account.Name).equals('Test').apply(accounts);

Multiple criteria can be stringed together with also (alias field) to form the full matching query. Records have to match all criteria.

// Accounts named 'Test' with annual revenue under 100,000 are matched
List<Account> filtered = Filter.field(Account.Name).lessThanOrEquals('Test')

Filter.field(Schema.SObjectField field) returns a PartialFieldFilterQuery which is used to define criteria:

Modifier and type Method Alias Description
FieldFilterQuery equals(Object value) eq Defines an equality comparison criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery notEquals(Object value) neq Defines an inequality comparison criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery lessThan(Object value) lt Defines a less than comparison criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery lessThanOrEquals(Object value) leq Defines a less than or equals criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery greaterThan(Object value) gt Defines a greater than criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery greaterThanOrEquals(Object value) geq Defines a greaterThanOrEquals criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery isIn(Object value) Defines a set membership criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery isNotIn(Object value) notIn Defines a set non-membership criterium for the current field
FieldFilterQuery hasValue() notNull Defines a non-null criterium for the current field

FieldFilterQuery can then be applied to a list, or further criteria can be chained with also (alias field):

Modifier and type Method Alias Description
PartialFieldFilterQuery also(Schema.SObjectField field) field Chains another criterium to the filtering query
PartialFieldFilterQuery also(String fieldRelationfield) field Chains another criterium to the filtering query
List<SObject> apply(Iterable<sObject> records) Matches elements in records and returns them as a new list
List<SObject> apply(Iterable<sObject> records, Type listType) Matches elements in records and returns them as a new list of listType type
FilterResult applyLazy(Iterable<sObject> records) Returns FilterResult iterable which can be used for lazy matching to allow extraction of partial results from large sources
List<SObject> extract(Iterable<sObject> records) Matches elements in records, removes them from the original list and returns them in a new list
List<SObject> extract(Iterable<sObject> records) Matches elements in records, removes them from the original list and returns them in a new list of listType type

Warning ⚠️

Most criteria expect a primitive value to compare against. isIn and isNotIn instead expect a Set of one of the following types: Boolean, Date, Decimal, Double, Id, Integer or String. Other types are not supported and will throw an exception.

Fields used in field criteria must be available on the list which is filtered, otherwise a System.SObjectException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field exception can be thrown.

Fields that are present on the prototype object must also be available on the list which is filtered, otherwise a System.SObjectException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field exception will be thrown.

Filtering query is dynamic and cannot be type-checked at compile-time.


Groups objects by values on a specified field.

Map<String, List<Opportunity>> opportunitiesByCloseDate = GroupBy.strings(opportunities, Opportunity.CloseDate);
Modifier and type Method Description
Map<Boolean, List<SObject>> booleans(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Groups records by value on boolean field
Map<Boolean, List<SObject>> booleans(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field, Type listType) Groups records by value on boolean field as listType
Map<Date, List<SObject>> dates(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Groups records by value on date field
Map<Date, List<SObject>> dates(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field, Type listType) Groups records by value on date field as listType
Map<Decimal, List<SObject>> decimals(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Groups records by value on number field
Map<Decimal, List<SObject>> decimals(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field, Type listType) Groups records by value on number field as listType
Map<Id, List<SObject>> ids(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Groups records by value on id field
Map<Id, List<SObject>> ids(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field, Type listType) Groups records by value on id field as listType
Map<String, List<SObject>> strings(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Groups records by value on string field
Map<String, List<SObject>> strings(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field, Type listType) Groups records by value on string field as listType

Warning ⚠️

The type system will NOT warn you if you use the wrong subtype of sObject! Important notes on the type system in Apex section explains why.

// this compiles
Map<String, List<Account>> accountsByName = GroupBy.strings(accounts, Account.Name);
// this compiles as well!!!???
Map<String, List<Opportunity>> accountsByName = GroupBy.strings(accounts, Account.Name);


Picks fields from a list of sObjects to build a new list with just those fields. Helps reduce overwriting potential for concurrent updates when locking is not an option.

List<Opportunity> opportunities = new List<Opportunity>{
	new Opportunity(Name = 'Foo', Amount = 10000, Description = 'Bar')
// picked contains just Name and Amount fields, Description is not present
List<Opportunity> picked = Pick.fields(opportunities, new Set<String>{'Name', 'Amount'});
Modifier and type Method Description
List<SObject> fields(Iterable<SObject> records, List<Schema.SObjectField> fields) Picks fields into a new SObject list
List<SObject> fields(Iterable<SObject> records, Set<Schema.SObjectField> fields) Picks fields into a new SObject list
List<SObject> fields(Iterable<SObject> records, List<String> apiFieldNames) Picks fields into a new SObject list
List<SObject> fields(Iterable<SObject> records, Set<String> apiFieldNames) Picks fields into a new SObject list


Plucks field values from a list of sObjects into a new list.

List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>{
	new Account(Name = 'Foo'),
	new Account(Name = 'Bar')
// Names are plucked into a new list ['Foo', 'Bar']
List<String> names = Pluck.strings(accounts, Account.Name);

Pluck can also be used for relations with String parameters.

List<Opportunity> opportunities = new List<Opportunity>{
	new Opportunity(Account = new Account(Name = 'Foo')),
	new Opportunity(Account = new Account(Name = 'Bar'))

// Names are plucked into a new list ['Foo', 'Bar']
List<String> accountNames = Pluck.strings(opportunities, 'Account.Name');
Modifier and type Method Description
List<Boolean> booleans(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Plucks booleans of field into a new list
List<Boolean> booleans(List<SObject> records, String relation) Plucks booleans of relation into a new list
List<Date> dates(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Plucks dates of field into a new list
List<Date> dates(List<SObject> records, String relation) Plucks dates of relation into a new list
List<Decimal> decimals(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Plucks numbers of field into a new list
List<Decimal> decimals(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Plucks numbers of relation into a new list
Set<Id> ids(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Plucks ids of field into a new set
Set<Id> ids(List<SObject> records, String relation) Plucks ids of relation into a new set
Set<Id> ids(List<SObject> records) Plucks Id field values into a new set
List<String> strings(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField field) Plucks strings or ids of field into a new list
List<String> strings(List<SObject> records, Schema.SObjectField relation) Plucks strings or ids of relation into a new list

Important notes on the type system in Apex

Apex allows assignment of SObject collection to its “subclass”, and the other way around:

List<SObject> objects = new List<SObject>();
List<Account> accounts = objects; // compiles!

List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
List<SObject> objects = accounts; // compiles as well!

An SObject list is an instance of any SObject “subclass” list!

List<SObject> objects = new List<SObject>();
System.debug(objects instanceof List<Account>); // true
System.debug(objects instanceof List<Opportunity>); // true

Lambda classes usually return an SObject list, which can be then assigned to a specific SObject “subclass” list, like Account. This is more convenient, but instanceof can provide unexpected results:

List<Account> accounts = Filter...
// accounts points to a List<SObject> returned from Filter

Boolean isOpportunities = accounts instanceof List<Opportunity>;
// isOpportunities is true!!!???

Filter and GroupBy therefore provide overloaded methods in which the concrete type of the list can be passed in as well. When this is done, the returned List or Map are of the correct concrete type instead of generic SObject collection type:

List<Account> filteredAccounts = Filter.field(...).apply(allAccounts, List<Account>.class);
// List<Account> returned!

Map<String, List<Account>> accountsByName = GroupBy.strings(allAccounts, Account.Name, List<Account>.class);
// Map<String, List<Account>> returned!



ApexString is a case-insensitive String, which makes it possible to use collections which behave consistently with == operator on String.

ApexString a = 'test';
ApexString b = 'tEsT';
Boolean isOperatorEqual = a == b; // true
Boolean isEqualsEqual = a.equals(b); // *true*, unlike regular String

Set<ApexString> stringSet = new Set<ApexString>();

System.assertEquals(1, stringSet.size()); // contains just a *single* case-insensitive element, unlike regular String!
System.assert(stringSet.contains(a)); // true
System.assert(stringSet.contains(b)); // true
Modifier and type Method Description
static ApexString of(String str) Returns a case-insensitive ApexString
static List<ApexString> listOf(Iterable<String> strings) Returns a List<ApexString> which contains all strings from provided iterable
static List<ApexString> listOf(Set<String> strings) Returns a List<ApexString> which contains all strings from provided set
static Set<ApexString> setOf(Iterable<String> strings) Returns a Set<ApexString> which contains all strings from provided iterable
static Set<ApexString> setOf(Set<String> strings) Returns a Set<ApexString> which contains all strings from provided set
static String join(Iterable<ApexString> strings, String separator) Joins the strings with separator and returns the resulting String
static String join(Set<ApexString> strings, String separator) Joins the strings with separator and returns the resulting String

Warning ⚠️

System.String.join does not use the toString method on objects it is joining. All ApexString instances are therefore stringified to 'ApexString' before they are joined into the final string (for example 'ApexString,ApexString,ApexString'). To join collections of ApexString, use ApexString.join instead.


Optional simplifies operations with values which can be null.

Modifier and type Method Description
static Optional of(Object value) Returns an Optional that wraps the provided value if it’s non-null. Throws a LambdaException exception otherwise
static Optional ofNullable(Object value) Returns an Optional that wraps the provided value if it’s non-null. Returns an empty Optional otherwise
static Optional empty() Returns an empty Optional
Object get() Returns a value if it’s present. Throws a LambdaException otherwise
Boolean isPresent() Returns whether the value is present.
Object orElse(Object other) Returns the value if it’s present, and provided other otherwise