
Topdown 2D endless fighter with 3 characters and boss battles

Primary LanguageC#

The-Last-Stand (NUS Orbital 2020)


When you want to relax after a long day's work, you just want to sit back and play your favourite video game. However, current games are either too complex or require a large commitment of time and effort to play it.


Our aim is to create a fun and simple 2D top-down brawler game, which can be easily put down and picked up for maximum convenience. The game should feature progressively difficult levels, to challenge players and to motivate them to strive for a high score.

Game Story

You found yourself in a foreign place, having no recollection of past events. Someone has trapped you in this strange environment, and the only way to survive is to vanquish the enemies before they snuff out your life force. Slashing and slaying, the enemies only seem to get tougher and tougher. Eventually, the enemies have outnumbered you and pinned you into a corner. Swinging your weapon desperately, it is time for The Last Stand…

Game Flow

  1. Players start off at a main menu screen, with a giant play button to start off the game, their high score would be displayed. They can choose the difficulty and the player they want to play.
  2. Upon pressing the play button, players will control the sword bearing protagonist or the lead archer and have to fend off infinite waves of enemies. They would try and strive for a high score, while surviving with limited health. The enemy would appear in random spots and can attack the player from all directions.
  3. They would be multiple power ups which would aid the player to survive the endless onslaught.
  4. With each passing wave, the player would have time to pick critical upgrades to increase their chance of survival while the enemies regroup to continue their assault.
  5. Upon dying, players will be brought to the game over screen, where they will be shown their score and their high score too. It will also provide the players to play again, they can play again to try to beat their high score. They can also quit out of the game application.

Try it at: https://connect.unity.com/mg/other/the-last-stand-1

For more information, refer to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OoC1h7DnNPNHwUWQJOuZ3mCBRbBEPqkU7UUJ0bFWSHg/edit?usp=sharing