
Django Gallery-App designed for uploading and showcasing my images.

Primary LanguagePython


This python/django web-app was created in order to display my images in a gallery format.

By: Robin kariuki


This web-app allows the user to view teh admin's images while allowing the admin to add the images according with the following attributes: Location and Category.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Live site can be accessed from the following link https://naruto123.herokuapp.com/
  • Fork the repository
  • git clone the project to your local machine
  • Set up a virtual environment in the project folder
python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual


*get pip

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip|python

*get all requirements in the requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt


Ensure that the MODE in the .env is set to development ('dev'), which will automatically set debug to true.

Now run the following command

python3.6 manage.py runserver

And view the site at the port provided which is most likely

Known Bugs

images are not properly arranged.

Behaviour Driven Development

  • The program should return all images on the home page
    Given:All images
    When: Url is changed to home page
    Then: All Images are displayed

  • Modal should be displayed when the user clicks on any image and have the image's details
    Given:An image
    When: User cicks on the image
    Then: A modal with the image's details is displayed

  • Admin site should be displayed when "admin/" url is chosen
    Given: An admin url
    When: User enters admin url in browser
    Then: Admin Login is displayed

  • User authentication occurs when Admin tries to Login
    Given:Admin page is accessed
    When: User tries to login
    Then: User details are authenticated to confirm if user is an admin

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Django Web Framework
  • Bootstrap4

Support and contact details

  • Contact me through my email: robinkariuki123@gmail.com
  • The source code is also contained within the folder containing this ReadMe with comments on the code thus third-party support can be offered.



Copyright (c) 2019 RobinKariuki