
Repo demonstrating how to use academic citations with R

Primary LanguageTeX


The goal of rmarkdown-citr-demo is to demonstrate how to add citations from a bib file.

First install citr:


Then maybe set-up an addin shortcut (e.g. Ctl+Alt+C):

Then create a .bib file with a reference manager such a Zotero.

Magically when you run citr::insert_citation(), either directly or by entering your shortkey of choice, you'll get an interactive interface to your citations:

The GUI-action results in the following text string being inserted into your document wherever the cursor was last located, like this: [@hopkins_transition_2008].

This, when not in monotype, results in a citation when compiled by knitr, like this (Hopkins, 2008).

The reference list is then automagically created (see below). As explained on the Bibliographies and Citations page on the RStudio website, you can modify the citation style. I've chose the University of Leeds' version of the Harvard citation style (harvard-university-of-leeds.csl).


Hopkins, R. 2008. The transition handbook [Online]. London: Green Books. Available from: [http://www.familyforests.org/congress/Transition Handbook.pdf http://www.familyforests.org/congress/Transition Handbook.pdf](http://www.familyforests.org/congress/Transition Handbook.pdf http://www.familyforests.org/congress/Transition Handbook.pdf).