
A collection of data models that provide solutions to common problems in database design.

Data Model Patterns

A collection of data models that provide solutions to common problems in database design.

Conceptual Data Models

Subject Area: Asset


Asset screenshot

Tangible Asset

Asset screenshot

Documentation Item

Documentation Item screenshot

Subject Area: Location


Location screenshot

Subject Area: Party


Party screenshot


Individual screenshot


Organisation screenshot

Subject Area: Role

Role - Architype

Role - Architype screenshot

Component Role

Component Role - screenshot

Party Role

Party Role - screenshot

Dimensional Models

Hierarchy - Architype

Hierarchy - Architype screenshot

Customer, Location, Account, Time - Hierarchy Diagram

Hierarchy Diagram - screenshot


The Conceptual Data Models were prepared using the community edition of the ERwin Data Modeler.

Note: The community edition of ERwin is limited to 25 model objects, to address this limitation each subject area (e.g., Party, Location, Product) model is located in a separate '.erwin' file.


All feature requests, pull requests, feedback, etc., are welcome.


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License] (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).