- Python 3
- pyserial package (install it by command: pip install pyserial)
- Set the correct SERIAL_PORT value in lx_setup.py
The shared code (lewansoul_lx16a.py) reused from:
This is a configuration utility for smart servos that can be run on Windows/Linux/MacOS
To check the status of single servo connected to controller:
python lx_setup.py
To scan all servos connected to controller and print their id-s:
python lx_setup.py scan
To change servo id from 2 to 10:
python lx_setup.py assign 2 10
To move servo with id 3 to position 500 (the servo range is from 0 to 1000):
python lx_setup.py set_pos 3 500
This is an utility to control the robot arm: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/6dof-robot-arm-v2
To record the sequence:
python controller.py record
To play the recording:
python controller.py play