
[Octoprint plugin] Allows you to create events for configurable GCode being sent or received

Primary LanguagePython


This plugin enables you to configure G-Code hooks (sent or received) that will fire custom events which can then be picked up by another plugin, such as OctoPrint-MQTT.

My usecases are mostly to be notified through Home Assistant notifications when my printer requires some attention. GCode received --> Fire event --> OctoPrint-MQTT: Translate event to MQTT --> Home Assistant: Automation is triggered that notifies me.


Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:



The plugins GCode hooks are split up into Send and Receive hooks.

The Send hooks can be used to fire an event when a GCode command has been sent to the 3D printer. This can be usefull for e.g. M117 GCode commands that are used to set a message on the 3D printers LCD. Or with M600 / M601 when the printer is paused for user interaction.

The Receive hooks can be used to fire an event based on serial data received from your 3D printer. For example, when the print is paused a Prusa MK3 will emit echo:busy: paused for user. This can be entered in the G-Code field to fire an event whenever this string is received1. In the Topic field enter the name as wich the event should be fired. Note that this will be prepended with gcode_event_, converted to lower-case and spaces will be removed! E.g. a topic field entry of Action Required will fire an event named gcode_event_action_required. In the Event field you may enter additional identifying information. This is an optional field that may be usefull when multiple different GCode hooks are used to fire the same event.

Subscription event actions:

Octoprint allows you to subscribe to events and run commands when they occur. Custom GCode events can also be used for this!

E.g. to send out a notification using Growl when the print is paused for user interaction you could add the following event subscribtion to your config.yaml2:

  - event: gcode_event_action_required
    type: system
    command: python ~/growl.py -t mygrowlserver -d "3D-printer requires your attention!" -a OctoPrint

And add the following line to the Custom GCode Events settings:

Enabled G-Code Topic Event Exact Match
echo:busy: paused for user action_required Paused for user

Home-Assistant usage example:

For example, my settings shown in the image below fire either an error, or action_required event based on the GCode received from the 3D printer. The additional information in the Event field is then used by in my case Home Assistant to determine what notification should be announced. I've included an example of my HomeAssistant notification config here

Settings screenshot:



  1. These echo:busy lines are repeated every 2 seconds or so on the Prusa printers. To avoid spamming the notification interface a timer is used to only fire an event if the G-Code trigger was not received in the last 5 seconds.

  2. Growl example taken from Octoprint docs seems outdated, but for just an example I don't really care...