
docker image based on ubuntu-20.04 with nvm-v0.38.0, node-v12.22.5, npm, nrm, yarn for FE work.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


docker image based on ubuntu 20.04 with nvm@0.38.0, node@14.17.3, npm, nrm for FE work.

  • notice: the based version of node is v14.17.3, you can install another by nvm.

fast use


please notice your network, if there is a bad network, you can build youself by the methods below.

docker pull steventx/docker-nvm-node:14.17.3

build for yourself

pull the source code from github : https://github.com/RoboNerd/docker-nvm-node,and welcome to start on github to encourage.

docker build -t docker-nvm-node:14.17.3 --no-cache --network=host .
  • notice: whether to add --network=host depends on network condition


   docker run -it steventx/docker-nvm-node /bin/bash

container tools


  • show node list nvm ls
  • install node for another version nvm install <version>
  • change version nvm use <version>


  • show registry list nrm ls
  • change registry nrm use taobao