
Basic child theme boilerplate, based on "clean" theme.

Primary LanguagePHP

Moodle "Clean" Child Theme

A basic boilerplate child theme, inherits Moodle's "Clean" standard theme.

    |_ clean

This is a very similar approach to cloning a theme however it leaves the "clean" theme code untouched and inherits from it as a child theme. This makes it easier to keep up with upgrades of both bootstrapbase and clean

Beta! Work in progress...


  • Moodle >= 2.5
  • clean theme >= 2015100100

Theme Dev

Related Moodle Api's

Clean theme

Basic install this theme

This basic walkthrough aims to users with some php experience but who are new to Moodle.

First you have to decide on a short name for your new Moodle Theme., i.e. mytheme

1. Basics

  • clone or download this repository in to the Moodle theme folder /<root_moodle/docs_moodle/theme
  • Rename the newly created folder to your shortname (i.e. /<root_moodle/docs_moodle/theme/mytheme)

2. Config file

Some neccessary adjustments in the the config.php:

  • set $THEME->name to your sexact short name (i.e $THEME->name = 'mytheme';)
  • $THEME->sheets = array('custom','cleanchild') $THEME->sheets defines the stylesheets loaded by your theme. The second entry refers to an empty css file style/cleanchild.css' wich you can use for your custom styles. Alternatively rename both the css file and the array entry. Add any stylesheet you want by locating them into the style folder and appending them to the array. (rule: filename without extension) Leave the clean entry as the first element in this array to ensure a proper queuing of the loaded css files.
  • $THEME->javascript = array(): Include javascript files wich are to be loaded into the html ''. For instance you want to include jQuery. See above for rules
  • $THEME->javascripts_footer = array('cleanchild');: Footer Javascripts. An empty script is already loaded. See above for rules. The config.php offers a lot more options who are not covered here.

Moodle Docs: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Theme_config_file

3. Version file

  • open version.php
  • set $plugin->component to 'theme_', (i.e. $plugin->component = 'theme_mytheme');

Moodle Docs: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/version.php

4. Edit Language File

  • browse to the lang/en folder. Rename the theme_cleanchild.php to theme_<my-short-name>.php (i.e. theme_mytheme.php)
  • open the file and edit $string['pluginname'] and $string['choosereadme'] . You can use markup in the latter.

Moodle Docs: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/String_API#Adding_language_file_to_plugin

5. Install via Moddle Site Administration

  • Login into Moodle with your Site administrator account
  • Browse to Site Adminstration > Notifications: your theme should be listed there as to be installed
  • Install:)

Quick dev notes

Example include

// common header for layout files

Example custom file, however you should rather use the config.php for loading scripts and styles

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot;?>/theme/cleanchild/my-extra.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

Example logo

<img src="<?php echo $OUTPUT->pix_url('logo', 'theme'); ?>" />

Is frontpage or login page:

if ($PAGE->pagelayout == 'frontpage' || $PAGE->pagelayout == 'login') {
    return true;

Add custom body class (layout file name)

<body <?php echo $OUTPUT->body_attributes(array('layout-'.basename(__FILE__, '.php'))); ?>>

JavaCript development
