
Isolating Micro-ROS topics

Muthukumar4796 opened this issue · 3 comments

When I add the line 'export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=47' to the bashrc file and then load Micro-ROS, my custom topics are not visible. However, when I comment out the ROS domain ID line, restart the agent, and reload Micro-ROS, my custom topics become visible. I'm stuck and unsure how to properly isolate my Micro-ROS topics without interference from the ROS domain ID Can anyone provide guidance on how to properly isolate Micro-ROS topics in this setup?

Note: For Isolating the ROS2 topics using ROS_DOMAIN_ID is working fine.

Hi, is that a RoboStack related question? It sounds like this issues would be better placed in a Micro ROS repository.

Best, Tobi

Thanks for your response, Tobi. I did submit my query to the Micro ROS repository, but I also wanted to reach out to this community for any additional insights or support. Your positive feedback is greatly appreciated.

Unfortunately I’ll have to close this issue if it is not directly related with RoboStack - the is the place to go for additional non-RoboStack related support.

Best wishes, Tobi
PS: feel free to reopen if your issue is indeed related to RoboStack and not ROS in general.