
Puzzle game in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A spiritual successor to the puzzle game Replay 2: The Sequel


Building on 1.33.0
rustup install stable
rustup default stable
cargo build
cargo run --bin replay

High Level Design

Turn-based gameplay
Player character is followed by a shadow character at some n turns removed.
Player character must hold doors for shadow, shadow must hold doors for player.
Enemies in the form of objects that move in a straight line until colliding with a wall, returning along same path.
Some enemies collide with doors, others do not.
Switches can toggle objects (initially just doors). Switches toggleable by player, shadow, enemies.
Teleports will, on entering, teleport a player, shadow, or enemy to a specified location.

UX ideas

The original had a couple main complaints.

Input must feel responsive.
Undo/backup functionality should exist.

Engine design

Every move could create a world state, player could go to any previous move state.
Previous attempts at undo functionality recorded input and simply restarted the level and replayed the input back to the desired undo point. This is a bit heavy.


In browser via wasm would be nice