
A collection of steamdeck startup animations, plus a script to randomize your startup on each boot

Primary LanguageShell

Changes from kageurufu's original

Original readme follows


A collection of steamdeck startup animations, plus a script to randomize your startup on each boot

So far, I've made boot animations from the following consoles:

  • dreamcast
  • ps1
  • ps2
  • ps4
  • switch
  • gamecube
  • ps2
  • switchfirst (first boot animation)
  • switch (regular boot animation)
  • xbox
  • xbox 360
  • xbox one


curl -o - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RobotCaleb/steamdeck_startup_animations/main/install.sh | bash -

If you're (justifiably) not a fan of curl | bash, you can run this:

mkdir -p "$HOME/homebrew"
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/systemd/user"
git clone https://github.com/RobotCaleb/steamdeck_startup_animations "$HOME/homebrew/startup_animations"
ln -sf "$HOME/homebrew/startup_animations/randomize_deck_startup.service" "$HOME/.config/systemd/user/randomize_deck_startup.service"
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now randomize_deck_startup.service


bash $HOME/homebrew/startup_animations/uninstall.sh

Using an existing animation

Ensure the animation is in .webm format, Place it in the deck_startup location, Next load randomize_deck_startup should auto format your file with "truncate -s 1840847" ensureing it is the correct filesize for play

(These animations may be slightly inflated and cost storage space as each animation needs to be about 1.8mb to cause the steamdeck to boot with the custom animation)

Making an animation (somewhat advanced)

I used youtube-dl to grab the best video and audio tracks from youtube, and then ffmpeg to merge them, resizing down to fit the Deck's 1280x800 screen. Then I use truncate to make the file the right size.

This all does work on the steamdeck

Getting the dependencies

python3 -m ensurepip
~/.local/bin/pip install --user youtube-dl

Creating the animation

# Get ps1.webm and ps1.m4a. Your file extensions may differ here
~/.local/bin/youtube-dl -f bestvideo -o 'ps1.%(ext)s' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JwbfIi5Uio
~/.local/bin/youtube-dl -f bestaudio -o 'ps1.%(ext)s' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JwbfIi5Uio

# Convert the video from whatever input formats to a webm video in VP9 encoding, with vorbis encoded audio
ffmpeg -i ps1.webm -i ps1.m4a \
       -map 0:v:0  -map 1:a:0 \
       -filter:v "scale='min(1280,iw)':min'(800,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1280:800:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" \
       -c:v vp9 \
       -c:a libvorbis \

# Make sure the generated file is less than 1840847B here
# Mine was `389670`, plenty small enough
stat -c '%s' my_deck_startup_ps1.webm

truncate -s 1840847 my_deck_startup_ps1.webm

The ffmpeg command is a bit confusing, so heres a breakdown

  • -i ps1.webm -i ps1.m4a
    Load both the video and audio files we downloaded.
  • -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0
    Only use the first video stream from the first file, and first audio stream from the second.
    This prevents having multiple video or audio streams in the final file
  • -filter:v "scale='min(1280,iw)':min'(800,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1280:800:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2"
    This is most confusing part, basically we're resizing the video to fit 1280x800
    min'(1280,iw)':min'(800,ih)' ensures the target size is never upscaled
    force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease scales to fit within a given size, keeping the original aspect ratio
    pad=1280:800:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2 pad the video size to 1280:800, centering the original video. This is optional and I might not use it in the future
  • -c:v vp9 c:a libvorbis Select our output VP9 / vorbis codecs