
PreMeFi - A MetaFilter reader for Palm's WebOS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A MetaFilter reader for Palm's WebOS


} MetaFilter. The eloquent zeitgeist. A site worth reading, a forum with participation. I would read this site on the bus, and I would feel great pleasure.

A news application, a low-hanging opportunity. A cheat, too; why stumble over parsing RSS when the canonical Mitch Allen tutorial leads me by my fat babied fist?

A first WebOS application. Far from complete. My fear is not that you could improve upon it; that is almost certain. My fear is that you'll show me how much easier you could do so. ... But I have my ethics. I present this in GPL. {


The Palm Mojo SDK, available here. While this should theoretically run on any version of WebOS, it was developed on version 1.4.5

One can install this software on either a real device or the virtual imagine included in the development kit.


Two options:

  1. Download from source tree and using palm-package from the SDK, generate an .ipk to install via palm-install. See SDK documentation for additional details.
  2. Alternatively, download pre-generated package [here]

Code Licenses

PreMefi falls under the second version of the GNU Public License.

PreMeFi makes heavy use of Jasmine, a unit testing and mocking framework. It falls under the MIT license.


PreMeFi is (currently) the sole construction of The Lambda Calculus.


Progress can be tracked via Pivotal Tracker.

Completion is Undecidable

Copyright (C) 2010 Gaelan D'costa gdcosta@gmail.com. Rights of physical liason have been licensed, under certain terms, to Gaelan D'costa. The Lambda Calculus logo is not its logo. The Lambda Calculus is NOT the Lambda Calculus.