
Node.js-driven stock ticker using websockets and Yahoo! Finance.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This is my entry for the CloudSpokes "Node.js Stock Ticker" challenge.

It is my first Node.JS app and first "web-app", if it can be called even that.
Please accept my apologies for the code seeming more C-influenced in style and flow than it ought to be.

My source for stock data is Yahoo! Finance. I don't fully understand financial lingo, but I tried to pull the data that I feel most people expect when looking in a (near) real-time stock ticker.

In order to handle seamless refreshing of data, I cache stock updates on the server and use websockets to communicate changes to the browswer.

To run this webticker:
1) Get code from repository.
2) Install Node 0.4.12 (which is what I ran and tested against)
3) Install NPM (http://www.npmjs.org)
4) Run "npm install" in the project directory.
5) Optionally, modified list of stocks and update interval at top of app.js
6) Run "node app.js" or deploy as desired.

Caveats: There is no testing, at all, in this project. Since I am not that familiar with Node and client-side Javascript, I could not figure out how to set up appropriate tests. Even worse, I had no idea how to structure my code such that it can be wrapped in a test harness.

As a great believer in GitHub, this code lives in http://github.com/NaleagDeco/cloudspokes_webticker