
Flexible end-to-end scenario-based validation tool

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

CycleOn (cycle_on)

CycleOn is a flexible end-to-end scenario-based verification and validation tool. It is cross-platform, simulator and middleware agnostic. Currently the main focus application is an autonomous driving software validation, but it can be used in other applications as well.

Typically a software team has a production code to be tested; a simulation tool to emulate inputs to the code modules and to consume an output; and some CI/CD solution to execute tests periodically and automatically. CycleOn is a simple-to-use scenario execution engine, which could effectively utilize all available computation power to execute test scenarios and check whether a module-under-test fullfills it's requirements.


Current project is under active development and is not ready yet to be in use.

Help wanted:

  • Windows integration
  • Cmake review


service notes

~/cycle_on/service$ cmake -S . -B build
~/cycle_on/service$ cmake --build build

~/cycle_on/service$ (cd build && ctest)
~/cycle_on/service$ ./build/src/service

service integration

~/cycle_on/$ sudo bash docker/installers/install_essentials.sh
~/cycle_on/$ sudo bash docker/installers/install_boost.sh

cli-tool notes

$ python3 -m pip install build
$ python3 -m pip install setuptools
$ python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv --force-reinstall

~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ python3 src/cycleon/cmd.py add --reuse_global_config
~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ python3 src/cycleon/cmd.py remove id
~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ python3 src/cycleon/cmd.py status id
~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ python3 src/cycleon/cmd.py result id

~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ python3 -m pytest test/
~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ python3 -m build
~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ python3 -m pip install dist/cycleon-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall
~/cycle_on/cli_tool$ cycleon

docker notes

~/cycle_on$ rm -rf service/build cli_tool/dist cli_tool/src/cycleon.egg-info
~/cycle_on$ docker build -t cycleon/ci:0.1 .
~/cycle_on$ docker run --name cycleon_ci -it -v ${PWD}:/cycleon --rm cycleon/ci:0.1
~/cycle_on$ docker container exec -it cycleon_ci bash