🤝 Craft-Market-Place

Welcome to our second-hand handmade items platform. Here you can find a wide variety of unique and special products, created with love and care by talented artisans. We are committed to offering an easy and secure shopping experience so that you can acquire these special items at affordable prices. Join our community of craft lovers and discover unique and meaningful treasures!

🙌Our vision is to create an online platform that serves as a community marketplace for second-hand handmade items. We strive to promote reuse and recycling through the sale of handmade products, while also supporting talented and creative artisans by providing a space to sell their goods. Additionally, we aim to build a vibrant and positive online community that fosters connection between buyers and sellers, and values creativity, craftsmanship, and sustainability.🙌

💻 Desktop graphic reference


🛠️ Tools

Trello: https://trello.com/b/FJRCMeE2/craft-market-place / Figma


Git / GitHub Visual Studio Code


React HTML Bootstrap JS Requirements, Installation and Getting started: NodeJS.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. npm install
  3. npm install -g json-server
  4. json-server --watch ./api/db.json
  5. npm run dev

📙 Content

Landing page that explains what will you find in our platform and link to the handmade products. Second page with all the products. Each add with title, image, price, description, user and location. Files are properly organized and separated with handlers and services architecture. Bootstrap to be responsive. User experience Repository commits related to the task checklist. CRUD: You can create, read, update, and delete products. Search bar: You can search by price or product title.

👀 Testing

In the productHandler.test.js test, we have tested the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functions of the productService through the productHandler handler. These functions include:

addProduct: which adds a new product to the system. loadProducts: which returns a list of all existing products in the system. loadProduct: which returns a specific product given its ID. updateProduct: which updates an existing product in the system. deleteProduct: which deletes a product from the system given its ID. To run the test, the following command should be executed on the command line: npm run test.

npm run test

🌞 ForTheBadge built-with-love

Rocío Leiva

Aldara MG

Margarita Álvarez

Jennifer Cordero

Celestina Gómez