❤️ Welcome to DONa BOSCO

👥 Mission & Team

🙋 Hello friends, we are 6️⃣ women finishing the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp at Femcoders Factoría F5 in Seville (Spain). This is our Final Project, Project number 8 (Pedagogical Project), in which we have put all the skills and knowledge acquired in the last six months to the test to achieve a functional, aesthetic, and intuitive website, working as a team, with respect, commitment, assertiveness, and coordination. A website that can have improvements and implementations in the future and become a great solidarity project in Spain, and who knows, perhaps in the future in more countries 👭

📝 Projet Description:

DONa BOSCO is a web project commissioned by the Don Bosco Foundation ⛪

Don Bosco is a foundation of the Salesian María Auxiliadora Inspectorate of the Salesians founded in 1998 in Spain 🇪🇸

They develop residential care projects, socio-educational projects, socio-labor integration projects, support for formal education, digital divide projects, community promotion, as well as social volunteering initiatives 🙌

DONa Bosco is a solidarity website, whose objective is to encourage people to help each other by donating things they no longer want or need, thereby also supporting the environment by preventing functional products from ending up in a landfill. On this website, transactions are made between individuals; users must register and log in. Once logged in, they can post items for interested individuals to collect from the indicated location 🎁

With this project, we aim to make the world a better place 🌍💕

📷 Screenshots

Jira Figma
Jira Dona Bosco Captura Dona Bosco Figma captura


| Node.js | Axios | React |JavaScript | CSS3 | HTML5 | C# | ASP.NET Core 6 | Entity Framework 7 | SQL Server| Bootstrap | NPM |


- Figma

- Jira

- GitHub

- Visual Studio Code

- Visual Studio

- Canva

- Slack

- Zoom

💻 How to install the project (Front):

1) Open Terminal In the terminal run git clone command, an paste the HTTPS:

2)Type in the terminal: npm install and press intro

3)Type in the terminal: npm i react-router-dom and press intro

4) npm install react-router-dom

5)Type in the terminal: npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap and press intro

6) Type in the terminal: npm install axios and press intro

7) npm run dev

8) To be able to visualize the products, it is necessary to have the Back-end installed.


- Methodology Agile with Scrum.

- Mob Programming.

- Pair Programming.

- Solo Programming.

👀 Testing:

npm install --save-dev vitest

npm install --save-dev jsdom

npm install --save-dev @testing-library/jest-dom

npm instal --save-dev @testing-library/react

Tested renderization of components (Footer, Join and Header)

Try running npm run test

🧪Next Steps:

- Implement user ratings

- Statistics Implementation

- Bring user profile information from Back to Front

- Sort products between Donated and Not Donated

👩💻Group members:

Scrum Master

Product Owner





Developed with 💖 by Dona Bosco Team