
Hi Rocio,can the preprocessed data be shared?

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I am working on a project on ICS security,but lack of experimental data. I hope to do the job based on your work. I noticed that there are only raw data here, so can the preprocessed data be shared? It will help a lot for me!

Dear Rocio,

Thank you so much! Sorry for not reading your results carefully.

I spent some time reading Ian Turnipseed's master thesis and your keynote to understand the details of the dataset better. But I couldn't find your master thesis online. Is it readable now? If I publish a paper, I will let you know and cite you!

Thanks again.
Best wishes,

Hi Rocio,

I did some experiments on your results, and now hopes to verify its effectiveness. So I wonder what

changes you made to increase the features from 17 to 42 or 46... In the raw dataset, we can know what

an exact feature means, but now I couldn’t find out what it means.

Because I need to return those packets to the original condition, I have to know the features' meaning.

