
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

• What's New ?

  • ⟴ URL Shortener Added
  • ⟴ Self Delete Added (Auto delete)
  • ⟴ Filter On Off Option Added
  • ⟴ Custom Welcome Message
  • ⟴ Custom Download Name And URL
  • ⟴ Custom Texts (About, Help, Stats,More..)
  • ⟴ Custom URL Buttons (Updates channel, Add To Group, Force Sub, More...)

Star Bots Logo

Star Bots Tamil


  • 2GB+ Files Now Support
  • URL Shortener Added
  • Custom Buttons
  • Auto Filter
  • Manual Filter
  • Search in PM
  • IMDB
  • Admin Commands
  • Broadcast
  • Index
  • IMDB search
  • Inline Search
  • Random pics
  • ids and User info
  • Stats, Users, Chats, Ban, Unban, Leave, Disable, Channel
  • Spelling Check Feature
  • File Store


Read this before you start messing up with your edits.

Required Variables

  • BOT_TOKEN: Create a bot using @BotFather, and get the Telegram API token.
  • API_ID: Get this value from telegram.org
  • API_HASH: Get this value from telegram.org
  • CHANNELS: Username or ID of channel or group. Separate multiple IDs by space
  • ADMINS: Username or ID of Admin. Separate multiple Admins by space
  • DATABASE_URI: mongoDB URI. Get this value from mongoDB. For more help watch this video
  • DATABASE_NAME: Name of the database in mongoDB. For more help watch this video
  • LOG_CHANNEL : A channel to log the activities of bot. Make sure bot is an admin in the channel.

Optional Variables

  • PICS: Telegraph links of images to show in start message.( Multiple images can be used separated by space )
  • FILE_STORE_CHANNEL: Channel from were file store links of posts should be made.Separate multiple IDs by space
  • Check info.py for more

Extra Features

  • URL_SHORTENER_WEBSITE: URL Shortener Website Link ( Without https://)
  • URL_SHORTNER_WEBSITE_API: URL Shortener Website API key
  • SELF_DELETE: True if SELF_DELETE is On, False if Off
  • START_TXT: Enter Your Start Message
  • ABOUT_TXT: Enter Your About Message


You can deploy this bot anywhere.

Watch Deploying Tutorial...

Deploy To Heroku


Deploy to Koyeb

Deploy To VPS

git clone https://github.com/Star-Bots-Tamil/Star-Movies-Bot
# Install Packages
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
Edit info.py with variables as given below then run bot
python3 bot.py


start - Check if 😊 I'm Alive
help - How to Use❓
about - to Know About Me 😌
logs - Get The Recent Errors (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
send - Send Message to Spacific User 🤵🏻 (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
group_send - Send Message to Spacific Chat 🤵🏻 (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
stats - Get Status 📊 Of Files 📂 in Database (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
status - Get Status 📊 Of This Bot 🤖 (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
settings - Customize Bot Settings ⚙️ (Chat Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
autofilter - On/Off Filers in a Chat (Chat Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
filter - Add a Filter in Chat
filters - List all the Filters of a Chat
gfilter - Add a Global Filter in Chat
gfilters - List all the Global Filters of a Chat
del - Delete 🗑️ a Specific Filter in Chat 
delall - Delete the Whole Filters in a Chat (Chat Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
delg - Delete 🗑️ a Specific Global Filter in Chat 
delallg - Delete the Whole Global Filters in a Chat (Chat Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
delete - Delete 🗑️ a Specific File 📂 From Database (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
deleteall - Delete 🗑️ to All Files 📂 From Database (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
deletefiles - Delete 🗑️ PreDVD and CAMRip Files 📂 From Database (Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
connect  - Connect a Particular Chat to Your PM
disconnect  - Disconnect From a Chat 
connections - List All Your Connections
invite - Get The Invite 💌 Link 🔗 of Any Chat Which The Bot 🤖 is Admin 👨🏻‍✈️
stickerid - Reply to Any Sticker to Get Sticker's ID
id - Get ID of a Specified User
info - Get Information About a User
imdb - Get the Movie 🎥 Information From IMDB Source
search - Get the Movie 🎥 Information from Various Sources
set_template - Set a New Custom IMDB Template For Individual Groups (Chat Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Only)
font - Font is a Module For Make Your Text Stylish 🖊️
share - Reply with Any Text to Get Share Link 🔗
graph - Reply to a Photo or Video 🎥 Under 5MB
text2speech - Reply with Text to Get Audio Speech 💬
alive - Check Bot Alive or Not
password - Generate Secret Password 🔑
users - Get List of My Users and IDs
junk_users - Clear All Deleted Accounts & Blocked Accounts From Database
chats - Get List of The My Chats and IDs
junk_chats - Clear Admin 👨🏻‍✈️ Removed Chats or Deactivated Chats on Database
index - Add Files 📂 From a Channel
setskip - Skip Number of Messages when Indexing Files 📂
leave  - Leave From a Chat
disable  - Disable a Chat
enable - Enable a Chat
ban  - Ban a User
unban  - Unban a User
channel - Get List of Total Connected Channels
batch - Create Link 🔗 for Multiple Files 📂
link - Create Link 🔗 for One File 📂 
video - Download Video From YouTube with Any Link 🔗
song - Download Song From YouTube with Song Name 
short - Use This Command with Your Link 🔗 to Get Shorted Links 🔗
restart - Restart The Bot 🤖 With Heroku
group_broadcast - Broadcast a Message to All Groups 👥 
broadcast - Broadcast a Message to All Users 📊


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Thanks to

  • Thanks To Dan For His Awesome Library
  • Thanks To Subinps for Original EvaMaria.
  • Thanks To RushikeshNarule for Search in PM feature.
  • Thanks To All Everyone In This Journey


you a Developer. Fork the repo and edit as per your needs.

