Combo ━━━━━ This is the source to a free demo for a Lambda Calculus to combinator convertor and combinator reduction algorithm. The software in its present form dates from 1993 October 23, though it had been occasionally pursued as part of an on-going project in 1983-4 and 1987-8. It is released to the public domain free of any restrictions. You may use it for any purpose as you see fit. Both the extensional and non-extensional algorithms are incorporated. Revision 2 incorporates the η-rule, which defines extensionality. The description to follow is for the optimal combinator reduction process with extensionality. The architecture for the reduction process has been rigorously derived from an abstract machine called the SCD machine – which represents a normal order counterpart to the SECD-2 machine. The unique feature of this software is that its reduction algorithm is optimal: ▪ no expression is ever stored more than once anywhere at any time during the entire history of a session, ▪ no expression is ever reduced more than once, ▪ no evaluation is ever done that does not need to be done. Nothing is ever forgotten, nothing ever thrown away, therefore there is no garbage collection. In place of garbage collection is the optimal sharing and reuse of expressions – a strategy I call Garbage Recycling. The evaluation strategy is called: Crazy Evaluation. It is also possible to extend this strategy to add in a loop checker in order to stop infinite cycles. This has been done, in this implementation. If one allows the dynamic creation of new combinator rules, one can go even further than even this. This is outlined in the adjoining documentation. The extension of Combo to rational infinite lambda terms is discussed in the adjoining file ToDo.txt.
A combinator reduction engine that accepts syntax for lambda expressions and is optimal. Rebase pending. That will affect forks. Downstream will be advanced-notified.