
R driver for MongoDB

Primary LanguageC


This is an R (www.r-project.org) extension supporting access to MongoDB (www.mongodb.org) using the mongodb-c-driver.

The latest stable version will be soon available on CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/package=rmongodb

Thanks to Gerald Lindsly and MongoDB, Inc. (formerly 10gen) for all the initial work. In October 2013, MongoSoup (www.mongosoup.de) has overtaken the development and maintenance of the R package.

Please feel free to send us issues or pull requests via github: https://github.com/mongosoup/rmongodb

Furthermore, we are happy to get your feedback personally via email: markus@mongosoup.de


Once you have installed the package, it may be loaded from within R like any other package:


# connect to your local mongodb
mongo <- mongo.create()

# create query object 
buf <- mongo.bson.buffer.create()
mongo.bson.buffer.append(buf, "age", 18L)
query <- mongo.bson.from.buffer(buf)

# Find the first 100 records
#    in collection people of database test where age == 18
cursor <- mongo.find(mongo, "test.people", query, limit=100L)
# Step though the matching records and display them
while (mongo.cursor.next(cursor))

There is also one demo available:


Supported Functionality by rmongodb

  • Connecting and disconnecting to MongoDB
  • Querying, inserting and updating to MongoDB
  • Creating and handling BSON objects
  • Dropping collections and databases on MongoDB
  • Creating indices on MongoDB collections
  • Error handling
  • Executing commands on MongoDB
  • Adding, removing, handling files on a "Grid File System" (GridFS) on a MongoDB server

Good ressources to Get Started with rmongodb

Good ressources to Install and Get Started with MongoDB


To install the development version of rmongodb, it's easiest to use the devtools package:

# install.packages("devtools")
install_github("rmongodb", "mongosoup")

To run the unit tests:

R --no-save < tests/test.R

We advice using RStudio (www.rstudio.org) for the package development. The RStudio .Rproj file is included in the repository.