
Original web-based healthcare application intended to collect and categorize user health data, providing support in healthcare related aspects for life quality improvement.

General project overview:

  • Collection of user’s basic health related information (such as blood group, weight, height)
  • Body fat percentage calculation performed according to the chosen methodology (body mass index (BMI), hips-to-waist ratio (HTW), body adiposity index (BAI) or waist circumference measurement (WCM)).
  • Notifications for incoming medical appointments, healthcare related events, free of charge preventive medical examination opportunities
  • Data visualization based on recent user inputs, such as blood pressure and/or medical appointment.

Technology stack and tools:


  • Database during deployment: PostgreSQL
  • Programming language: Java 11
  • Build automation tool: Maven
  • Database during production: H2
  • Framework: Spring
  • Test coverage - target 75%

Front-End: Go to see the Front-End repository

  • UI Library: React
  • Tests: React Testing Library
  • JavaScript(ES6+), SCSS, npm
  • Design system: Material UI
  • (server for Heroku: Node.js, express.js)
  • Test coverage - target 75%


  • Version control system: GIT
  • SonarCloud for code quality
  • CircleCi
  • Figma
  • Slack
  • Miro
  • Jira