Passionate Full Stack Developer (MERN). I love creating responsive websites using modern frameworks and technologies.Interested about Blockchain,Web3,threejs.
Pinned Repositories
This is an authentication api. You can directly use this in your projects. I have added Passport Local auth for now . Soon I will add Google Oauth2.0 , Github Oauth, Facebook Oauth , Twitter Oauth.
This is a clone of kickstart but built on blockchain. This contract allows users to create a campaign for crowdfunding and It allows different users to contribute money and join the campaign. This contract is made using Solidity .
A simple blog website using node.js , express etc.
This is final release of this blog website with DB . It supports all the CRUD operations . I have used nodejs , express , mongoose , ejs . It allows users to write , read update and delete articles . Users are needed to login using their google account to delete , compose or update articles .
This is my second ethreum blockchain based project . This contract allows users to enter themselves into the lottery . When the manager calls pick winner function the total money is sent to the winner .
This is frontend of the lottery contract . The actual contract code is available in my repository.This is based on lottery contract made on solidity v0.8.17 .
Music app api using node, express , mongo , passport , multer , mongoose etc . Allows user to login , play songs etc . Admins can edit or delete song info , add new song etc .
Tic Tac Toe game made using react . It also shows the past moves and user can go back to past moves.
The final version of todolist app with mongodb . It allows users to add items to the todo list . It also allows users to create their own custom todo list . I have used nodejs , ejs , express and mongoose.
It is a web app for a car rental company . Here users can book available cars and different car rental agencies can list their car for renting. Agencies can add new cars and update existing cars added by them.
RockeTCodes's Repositories
This is frontend of the lottery contract . The actual contract code is available in my repository.This is based on lottery contract made on solidity v0.8.17 .
This is a clone of kickstart but built on blockchain. This contract allows users to create a campaign for crowdfunding and It allows different users to contribute money and join the campaign. This contract is made using Solidity .
This is my second ethreum blockchain based project . This contract allows users to enter themselves into the lottery . When the manager calls pick winner function the total money is sent to the winner .
The final version of todolist app with mongodb . It allows users to add items to the todo list . It also allows users to create their own custom todo list . I have used nodejs , ejs , express and mongoose.
This is final release of this blog website with DB . It supports all the CRUD operations . I have used nodejs , express , mongoose , ejs . It allows users to write , read update and delete articles . Users are needed to login using their google account to delete , compose or update articles .
This is my first ethereum blockchain based project . It's a simple contract allowing users to "Set New message" and "Retrieve Message". The contract is written in "Solidity". I have used web3 to interact with the contract and test the contract.
This is a replica of Google Keep made using React . A more advanced version I should say 😅 . It allows users to add notes with the title and content . It also allows users to delete notes.
Music app api using node, express , mongo , passport , multer , mongoose etc . Allows user to login , play songs etc . Admins can edit or delete song info , add new song etc .
Tic Tac Toe game made using react . It also shows the past moves and user can go back to past moves.
It is a web app for a car rental company . Here users can book available cars and different car rental agencies can list their car for renting. Agencies can add new cars and update existing cars added by them.
This is an authentication api. You can directly use this in your projects. I have added Passport Local auth for now . Soon I will add Google Oauth2.0 , Github Oauth, Facebook Oauth , Twitter Oauth.
A simple blog website using node.js , express etc.
Repository For DSA Code in C++
A DiceGame to roll dice and declare winner .
This is a fun website for Playing Drums . 😄
An api for video content sharing made using nodejs , express , mongodb.
Portfolio using html only.
It is a simple website made using node and ejs . It allows users to register themselves to the mailing list . I have used nodejs , mailchimp and express .
It is an nft marketplace to buy nfts on the go . I have used node , ejs , html , css.Users can buy nfts from here.
It is a bunch of calculators like math , bmi calculators.
This is my portfolio website using html and css only . I have embedded gifs in website . It is not fit for mobile device.
It is a minimilistic web version of "Whisper App" . It allows users to signin and add thier secrets anonymously to the data base . I have used passport js to implement signing in and Oauth sign in using google.I have used nodejs , ejs .
This is an online version of infamous "Simon" Game . It is a pattern remembering game . It is made using javaScript & jQuery.
It is a minimalistic clone app of Tinder but it is made for dogs and puppies😅.It supports mobiles also.It is made using html , css,bootstrap.
This is a todolist using react . It allows users to add and delete items from the todolist.
This is the initial version of todolist . It is simple and without any DB connectivity .It allows users to add and delete items from the list . It also has functionality to create custom list.
This is a simple website made using node and express to fetch weather data and show it . It allows users to enter the city name and check the weather .
A RESTful api for retriving , updating , reading and deleting articles made from scratch.