
Easily create meta tags with structured data for webpages

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Use this gem to churn out meta tags for your rails webpages. This also renders meta tags for the following:

  1. Page <title> tag with proper hyphenation when used with breadcrumbs
  2. Basic <meta> tags
  3. Twitter meta tags
  4. Open graph meta tags
  5. Google Schema JSON-LD <script> tags


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "page_structured_data"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install page_structured_data



Add the following in your layout to include the basic meta tags by default

<%= render 'page_structured_data/meta_tags', page: @page_meta, 
    default_image_url: image_url('<path_to_default_image>') %>

Note: This doesn't include csrf or any other security or viewport related meta tags.


In your views, please define the @page_meta as follows

<% @page_meta = PageStructuredData::Page.new(title: 'Home', extra_title: "Official Page",
        description: 'Welcome to my Page') %>

The instance variable will be used in the layout to create proper meta tags. Most attributes are self explanatory. extra_title is used to append to the title.


Configure the application wide settings as follows:

# config/initializers/page_structured_data.rb
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
  PageStructuredData.config do |config|
    config.base_app_name = 'AwesomestApp' # or use any application constant as this is called after_initialize


Create a list of breadcrumbs like this:

<% breadcrumb = PageStructuredData::Breadcrumbs.new(hierarchy: [{ title: 'Resources', href: resources_url }, { title: 'Articles', href: resources_articles_url }]) %>

And include it in the Page.new as:

<% @page_meta = PageStructuredData::Page.new(title: 'Home', extra_title: "Official Page",
        description: 'Welcome to my Page', breadcrumb: breadcrumb) %>

This will create a JSON+LD breadcrumbs similar to Breadcrumbs


Currently this gem supports the following page types:

To use these, it is similar to breadcrumbs: include them in Page.new and it the json+ld will be automatically included.

<% article_page_type = PageStructuredData::PageTypes::BlogPosting.new(headline: @article.title, published_at: @article.published_at,
        updated_at: @article.updated_at, authors: [name: @article.authors.first.name, url: @article.authors.first.website],
        images: [main_app.url_for(@article.cover_image.variant(:standard))]) %>
<% @page_meta = PageStructuredData::Page.new(title: 'Home', extra_title: "Official Page",
                                             description: 'Welcome to my Page', page_type: article_page_type) %>

Just replace BlogPosting class with the other type for other page types.


Please raise a PR to be validated and merged.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.