Rocket.Chat Terminal User Interface

Terminal User Interface for Rocket.Chat made using Bubbletea

Quick Start



  • Clone this Project Repo and set up Meteor Application in your machine.

  • Run Rocketchat Meteor Server on your http://localhost:3000 and login/signup into a new account save your credentials for signing in TUI.

  • In the RocketChat TUI root folder run go get in terminal to get all golang packages we are using

  • Make a .env file in the project root directory and add below code in it.

  • Now in the RocketChat TUI root folder run go run main.go -debug to run the TUI.

  • We have to pass -debug flag so that it logs log statements in debug.log file.

  • To use production server pass -prod flag too while running main.go. It will use the production server.

  • To use any other server pass -url flag too while running main.go i.e. go run main.go -url= It will use the given server.

  • Hopefully you will see the TUI running.

  • Enter your email and password. Press Enter to login.

Structure of the Project

  • The starting file of the project is main.go. It starts the bubbletea Program to run TUI.
  • TUI models, view and controllers are present in ui folder.
  • In ui folder model.go contain global state of TUI and methods required by bubbletea to initialise, Update and Render the TUI in terminal.
  • In ui folder view.go contain UI code of the TUI which uses styles defined in styles package. We are using lipgloss for styling the TUI.
  • All Key bindings used in TUI is present in keyBindings package to keep them seperate from TUI so that new key bindings can be easily added when needed.
  • Caching related functions are present in cache package