Predicting stock prices using Facebook's Prophet Model 🍋

👋 Introduction

This project was created during my summer internship at

A berlin-based Fintech startup which is developing a Brokerage API and offering a Trading and Market Data API

This is a public repository that showcases how to utilize Facebook's Prophet model in an attempt to forecast the close price of the Tesla Stock. The repo consists of two folders. TSLA - c prices contains the model built using the actual closing prices while TSLA - c differences contains 3 models built using the price difference, price log difference and price percentage difference.

You can find an article linked to this repo here

Quick Start 🏃‍♂️:

  1. sign up to
  2. clone this repo
  3. Change the market_data_api_key in get_data.ipynb with your personal API key
  4. run get_data.ipynb to get the csv file containing the stock data
  5. run prophet-model-v3-Hyperparameter tuning.ipynb to evaluate the best values for your parameters
  6. feed the parameters from step 5 into your model in tuned_model.ipynb
  7. forecast away

🔌 API Usage

This project uses the API and the Python SDK.

🍋 is a brokerage API by developers for developers that allows you to build your own experience at the stock market. We will use the Market Data API and Trading API to build a mean reversion trading strategy in this project!

If you do not have a account yet, you can sign up at

Contribute to this repository is an API from developers for developers and this (and all open source projects) is(are) a work in progress. Therefore, we highly encourage you to get involved by opening a PR or contacting us directly via

Looking forward to building with you 🍋