
Just prepare config file and start training your metric learning model with ease

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Easy metric learning

Simple framework for metric learning training. Just create configuration file and start training.



It's possible to use any model from timm library as a backbone


Install requirements

Conda environment

Easiest way to work with this repo is to install conda environment from file. First you need to install conda. And then run the following:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will install a new conda environment with all the required libraries.


If you want to install all required libraries without conda you can instal them manually. First install pytorch. Next it's possible to install all required libraries using requirements.txt file. Just run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare dataset

Easiest way to work with this repo is to orginize dataset in following structure:

│   └───class_1
│       │   image1.jpg
│       │   image2.jpg
│       │   ...
│   └───class_2
│       |   image1.jpg
│       │   image2.jpg
│       │   ...
│      ...
│   └───class_N
│       │   ...

Prepare annotation file

The easiest way to prepare dataset for training is just to run

python data/prepare_dataset.py --dataset_path {DATASET_PATH}

Optional script arguments:

--dataset_csv - dataset info csv file generated using step below (See Optional steps)

--k - K parameter for K-Fold split

--random_seed - random seed for K-Fold stratified split

But if you want to filter your dataset (remove too small or too large images or remove duplicates) or if you want to use part of your dataset for testing, you need to generate dataset_info.csv file

Optional steps

Generate dataset info file (Optional)

First annotation csv file should be generated. Generate it using:

python data/generate_dataset_info.py --dataset_path {DATASET_PATH}

Optional script arguments:

--hashes - calculate image hashes (use if you want to remove duplicates)

Filter dataset (Optional)

If you want to remove image duplicates or remove too small or too big images use the following script:

python data/filter_dataset_info.py --dataset_info {DATASET_CSV_FILE} --dedup

Optional script arguments:

--min_size - minimal image size

--max_size - maximal image size

--treshold - threshold value for hashes based duplication removal algorithm

Split dataset on train and test (Optional)

If you want to use part of the classes for testing based on number of samples just use:

python data/get_train_test_sets.py --dataset_csv {DATASET_CSV_FILE}

Optional script arguments:

--min_n_samples - min number of samples to select class for training (default: 3)

--max_n_samples - max number of samples to select class for training (default: 50)

Classes with number of samples in range [min_n_samples, max_n_samples] will be used for training and rest for testing


First create your configuration yaml file (use example_config.yaml as template). Next start training using:

python tools/train.py --config {CONFIG FILE}


  • Add VPL paper
  • Add CLIP
  • Add text embeddings