
We created some examples and samples to showcase the functionality of the recently launch Rocket® MultiValue Integration Server (MVIS) and to support its’ adoption. The samples and examples demonstrate how you can use MVIS to build a mobile app using Flutter against the xdemo data/ account on the UniVerse MV Application server. The Rocket® MultiValue Integration Server (MVIS) empowers teams to leverage modern languages and frameworks to access MV data and business logic. MVIS follows a low-code/no-code model that makes it easy to unlock business logic and data by creating RESTful APIs and associated Swagger definitions. The Swagger integration provides a level of abstraction that gives developers without MV experience the ability to dissect it through the Swagger Editor to understand exactly what the API is doing.

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION

MVIS Mobile Demo

A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for the XDemo Mobile Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

For help getting started with Flutter for Android and Windows, view the Windows and Android integration with Flutter documentation.

Prequisites / Dependencies

  • Flutter SDK - This app depends on the Flutter SDK. The Flutter team has developed amazing online documentation. In order to get the MVoovies mobile app up and running, please follow the Flutter installion guide. Complete up to step 3, and then comeback to this wiki continue wth MVoovies specific steps. Click Here - Flutter Install Guide
  • MultiValue Integration Server Community Edition - If MVIS is not installed on your machine, please click the link below and follow the included installation guide here
  • UniVerse - If UniVerse is not installed on your machine, please find it here and follow the installation guide that can be found here

Running a Local Instance of the Application

  1. Clone this repo or run git clone https://github.com/RocketSoftware/mvis-xdemo-flutter.git
  2. Naviagte to the root directory of the project
  3. Run flutter doctor. Follow any recommended prompts to fix any issues.
    • Make sure that a mobile simulator or actual device is running and connecting to Flutter. This can be confirmed with the flutter doctor command
  4. Run flutter run. This will start the app on the simulator or device of choice. However, this version is not deployable to app stores. App store deployment and native package information can be found here

Credentials for Login

Username: admin

Password: admin

Application Structure

  • lib/ - This folder contains all dart classes and widget definitions for the application.
  • ios/ & android/ - These folder contains operating system specific bundles to run the Flutter application on either platform.
  • .idea/ & build/ - These folders are automatically generatd with Flutter projects. For this application, no need to edit anything inside of them.
  • pubspec.yaml - This file contains all the dependicies for the application.
  • main.dart - This file is the starting point of the app. Location of the main function.


The demo is by default set to work with a local copy of MVIS communit edition and the default port number. If you wish to configure your MVIS server or run it on premise or in the cloud, the demo will also need to be updated. There is the a "config.dart" file in the lib folder that contains the default port number and endpoint URI. Configure these to connect the demo application with your MVIS server