
mix of boechat107/websharper_samples that work with mono, and BobsleighSite.fs client SPA

Primary LanguageF#

WebSharper Samples

This repository contains simple WebSharper projects, written in F#, prepared to run on Linux with Mono.


Interested to know about the applicability of WebSharper for real projects and coming from the Linux world (I never used .NET before), I tried to run some experiments but I got frustrated with the available tools and documentation for just "getting started" (look at this question).

In summary, the main motivation for this repository is to help people to get started with F# and WebSharper.


Supposing you are running on a Debian/Ubuntu environment:

  • mono-devel
  • mono-runtime
  • fsharp


To run this project, you don't need to use any specific editor, but VS Code integrates well with F# (no surprises) and has some useful plugins (like Vim keybindings and Ionide).

vim-sharp seems full of features too, but I found it too heavy for a common Vim experience.


  1. Fetch paket.exe by running mono .paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe.

  2. Download and install the dependencies with mono .paket/paket.exe install.

  3. Compile the code:

cd wsnextui/WsNextui 
  1. Exectute the self-hosted web server:
cd bin
mono WsNextui.exe
  1. Check the following URL with your browser: http://localhost:9000

Known Caveats

  • Projects created with Ionide seem to generate .fsproj with wrong paths (look at those with ..\packages\...).
  • There are some issues about running Client-Server Web Application as .NET module 1 with xsp4 (Mono's web server for development or testing).
  • The file Web.config is a little trick. For WsNextui, Web.config should be present in the source code directory for the compilation step in order to have the compiled JS (F# to JS) files, even if this file is empty (look at this question).

[1]: These kind of projects don't generate .exe files, but only .dll files.


PRs and "issues" are more than welcome! :-)