
Coursera Data Science Specialization

Primary LanguageHTML

JHU Data Science Capstone Project

The Completed Project

A Shiny App for predicting the next word in a string.
The App

The Project

Project Overview

Project Tasks - Instructions

Task 0: Understanding the Problem
Task 1: Getting and Cleaning the Data
Task 2: Exploratory Data Analysis
Task 3: Modeling
Task 3A: Milestone Report
Task 4: Prediction Model
Task 5: Creative Exploration
Task 6: Data Product
Task 7: Slide Deck
Task 8: Final Project

Project Scripts - Solutions

Task 0: Exploring the tm Package
Task 1: Getting and Cleaning the Data
Task 2: Exploratory Data Analysis
Task 3A: Milestone Report
Task 4: Working toward a Prediction Model
Task 04A: Fast Ngram Files
Task 05: Prediction Model
Task 06: Shiny App
Task 06A: Shiny App Source Code
Task 07: Slide Presentation

Course Quizzes

Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3


Tidy Data
Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach