Fake Content Block

A table generating a API using falso

Setup and Instructions

  1. Add this plugin to your WordPress installation, turn it on, and add it to a WordPress Page.

It should look like this:

  1. Within the project, run nvm i & npm i in the command line to switch to a working node version and install dependencies.

  2. Generate the fake payload

npm run generate - that will run node fake-data/run-script.js 100 (100 means it generates 100 entries. Modify this command to change the number.)

It'll create a fake-data/fake-payload.json if it doesn't exist, or refresh it.

  1. As a test, the file will then be dynamically imported into your WP block.

Inside src/script.js, you'll see a function called getFakeData(), which simulates a restAPI call to pull data from your fake payload.

Style development

  1. Edit your styles in src/style.css

  2. In the command line: npm run style

That will build src/style.css to fake-content-block/style.css. It will look for any tailwind classes and compile them.

Strongly Suggested Plugins

Query Monitor - This will allow you to debug errors in your devtools. To show log data, use do_action( 'qm/debug', $variable_here );. Documentation


Had to remove this because i need it loaded in the footer.

        "viewScript": "file:../fake-content-block/script.js",    