Faster R-CNN for Open Images Dataset by Keras
Jupyter Notebook
- 0
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'
#97 opened by LamboySirait - 0
Error when trying to train: 'Exception: Arrays are not less-ordered x and y nan location mismatch'
#96 opened by va82 - 1
How can I get model_vgg_config.pickle and what is exactly stored in model_vgg_config.pickle?
#95 opened by shamine5 - 0
Please tell me what is model_frcnn_vgg.hdf5, record.csv, vgg16_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5, model_vgg_config.pickle
#94 opened by shamine5 - 0
Training took to long
#93 opened by vitusdama - 1
Weights not loading properly
#92 opened by dokeefemain - 0
How to compute mAP?
#91 opened by SalmaZakaria - 0
- 0
- 5
no mAP score
#81 opened by aliyyahna - 3
AttributeError: <module 'keras.backend' has no attribute 'image_dim_ordering'> occurred while frcnn_train_vgg.ipynb
#48 opened by Boosby - 4
Validation set
#51 opened by Arthur023 - 5
- 1
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'get_default_graph'
#88 opened by devendrapal5755 - 1
- 3
Training exception
#71 opened by NguyenKhacPhuc - 2
Training completes with errors but testing outputs huge number of bounding boxes for test images
#69 opened by maatteenn - 2
Value error
#73 opened by Dev0104 - 0
WARNING:tensorflow:6 out of the last 6 calls to <function Model.make_train_function.<locals>.train_function at 0x7fc798cde9e0> triggered tf.function retracing
#87 opened by khanhdk0000 - 0
module versions
#85 opened by lolikgiovi - 3
mAP problem!!
#84 opened by charinho8 - 1
Time_distributed_1 layer error
#83 opened by helenabdr - 4
I don't think the RoiPoolConv layer is performing a max pool but rather an average pool
#79 opened by trzy - 0
total loss
#80 opened by AlOo2002 - 1
Incompatible shapes
#67 opened by samrawitergrtr - 1
mAP (mean average precision) is low?
#70 opened by samrawitergrtr - 0
Subsampling 256 fg/bg anchors
#78 opened by brkageo - 0
- 0
#76 opened by NGluna03 - 2
ValueError: Dimensions must be equal
#74 opened by Tanvi27 - 2
#72 opened by dienthaipham103 - 1
#63 opened by samrawitergrtr - 0
please Help!!!!!!!!
#68 opened by samrawitergrtr - 0
plot model
#66 opened by samrawitergrtr - 8
about colab in frcnn_train_vgg.ipynb
#55 opened by PeymanBaghdadi - 1
Width and Height?
#61 opened by samrawitergrtr - 0
- 0
number of augmented data
#64 opened by samrawitergrtr - 0
Image augmentation
#62 opened by samrawitergrtr - 0
How to create Feature Map
#60 opened by samrawitergrtr - 5
- 0
real-time object detection
#59 opened by testingdlrna - 0
self.std_scaling = 4.0 variable in config
#58 opened by sanojdimri - 1
#56 opened by amaranth-andi - 1
- 1
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
#46 opened by YenHong818 - 1
Model_classifier vs model_classifier_only
#52 opened by Arthur023 - 0
Calculate accuracy for the model
#53 opened by prinipj - 0
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