
creating ELK stack via docker-compose

Primary LanguageJava

Creating ELK stack via docker-compose


Continuous Monitoring on Docker with ELK Stack

Steps to be followed:

    1. Set up ELK stack on Docker
    1. Configure Jenkins pipeline for Docker build and deployment
    1. Run the Spring Boot application and check the logs in Kibana

Step 1: Set up ELK stack on Docker

1.1 Download Docker compose file in one of the git repositories and follow the set of commands given below to initialize the ELK stack.

sudo su
git clone https://github.com/manikcloud/elk-stack.git
cd elk-stack
ls -alrt

1.2 Start the ELK stack using the docker-compose command. Usually, this binary is not installed on a server. So, follow the set of commands given below to install Docker Compose.

apt install docker-compose
docker-compose version

1.3 Before starting the ELK stack, run the command given below so that elastic search is configured properly.

sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

1.4 Run the docker-compose command to initialize the ELK stack.

docker-compose up -d
docker ps

1.5 Open the Kibana URL using the public IP of the host and 5601 port to access the Kibana dashboard.


Logint to docker hub.

  • Notedown your user name.
    1. Goto the Jenkins file.
    1. Replace your docker hub username from varunmanik in line no. 3.
    1. run this command
 git add . && git commit -am"adding dockerhub user name in jenkins file " && git push 

Step 2: Configure Jenkins pipeline for Docker build and deployment

2.3 Add the details as shown below

Username: <Your_DockerHub_Username> Password: <Your_DockerHub_Password>

  • 2.4 You should now see the credentials saved as shown below

  • 2.5 Create a Jenkins pipeline job to fetch Jenkinsfile from the URL mentioned below.

  • 2.6 You can either use the below git repository or Fork it in your Github account and use it https://github.com/manikcloud/elk-stack.git

  • 2.7 Configure the job as shown in the screenshot below and then run the build.

  • 2.8 Give 777 permission to the Docker sock file since we are running Docker command from a Jenkins user.

chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
  • 2.9 Build the Jenkins job to deploy the Docker container on the Docker host.

  • 2.10 Jenkins pipeline will complete the build and the deployment process for the Spring Boot application

  • 2.11 We can see the Docker container deployed on the Docker host using the command:

docker ps | grep springbootapp

Step 3: Run the Spring Boot application and check the logs in Kibana

  • 3.1 Access the Spring Boot web application and perform some random activity so that the logs will be pushed to ELK stack.


  • 3.2 Check the logs pushed to ELK stack in Kibana.

  • 3.3 Navigate to the Kibana dashboard. Select Management > Index Management from the navigation bar on the left. You can see the logs created.