fast install

  • precondition: you have a GCP project selected with billing activated.
  • go to GCP console and open a cloud shell
  • git clone
  • cd webandcloud
  • mvn appengine:deploy (to deploy)
  • mvn appengine:run (to debug in dev server)

webandcloud from the lab

Be sure your maven has access to the web

  • you should have file ~/.m2/settings.xml
  • otherwise cp ~molli-p/.m2/settings.xml ~/.m2/
molli-p@remote:~/.m2$ cat settings.xml

import and run in eclipse

  • install the code in your home:
 cd ~
 git clone
 cd webandcloud
 mvn install
  • Change "sobike44" with your google project ID in pom.xml
  • Change "sobike44" with your google project ID in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml

Run in eclipse

  • start an eclipse with gcloud plugin
 or ~molli-p/eclipse/eclipse
  • import the maven project in eclipse
  • File/import/maven/existing maven project
  • browse to ~/webandcloud
  • select pom.xml
  • Finish and wait
  • Ready to deploy and run...
gcloud app create error...

Go to google cloud shell console (icon near your head in google console)

gcloud app create

Install and Run

  • (gcloud SDK must be installed first. see
  • the gcloud command should be in your path. Run the following command to initialize your local install of gcloud.
gcloud init
mvn package
mvn appengine:run
  • Deploying at Google (need gcloud configuration, see error message -> tell you what to do... )
mvn appengine:deploy
gcloud app browse


  • (worked before)
mvn clean package
mvn endpoints-framework:openApiDocs
gcloud endpoints services deploy target/openapi-docs/openapi.json 
mvn appengine:deploy