
Backend NODE API project for bootcamp directory

Primary LanguageHTML

Devcamper API


Backend REST API for searching bootcamp database by bootcamps and courses. Includes functionality for authenticated users to add, update and delete bootcamps and courses, and for public users to add, update, and delete reviews.


Rename config/config.env.env to config/config.env and update the values/settings to your own.

Install Dependencies

npm install

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB / Mongoose
  • Morgan (http logger middleware npm)
  • express-mongo-sanitize (sanitizes instances of "$" to prevent Mongo DB injection)
  • express-rate-limit (limit cals to api, 100 per 10 minutes)
  • Slugify (to create url friendly fields in models)
  • Node-geocoder (for location and searching within radius)
  • colors (for terminal color fonts)

NPM Run App

# Run app in dev mode
npm run dev

# Run in prod mode
npm start
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • License: MIT



Traversy Media's Node.js master course, 2019: https://www.traversymedia.com/


Rod Bennett: rod.bennett75@gmail.com