Slay The Spire - Brazilian Portuguese Localization (Community)

Welcome, The project has just started.

I'll update the with instructions as soon as i finish the configuration of the repository.

Please, be patient.

PS.: The Brazilian Portuguese files are in the localization/ptb folder.

Official Translation Guide

Hello Slay the Spire translators! This is a helpful guide to try and aid your translation efforts.

Section 1 : Translation Tips

  1. As the files to translate are all JSON documents, fields do not need to be translated. In fact, the game won't run if the fields are renamed. EXAMPLE: Only the fields under "NAMES" and "TEXT" needs to be translated. (Marked with <- This!)
"Ironclad": {
    "NAMES": [
        "The Ironclad" <- This!
"TEXT": [
        "The remaining soldier of the Ironclads. NL Sold his soul to harness demonic energies." <- This!
  1. Formatting Quirks: -Text is colored to highlight keywords and other important concepts. Colors are as follows: #y, #r, #g, #b, #p. These colors are Gold, Red, Green, Blue, Purple (Only in events) EXAMPLE: "#yI'm #yGolden!"

    -For events and dialogs, if a word is surrounded by ~ or @, they are wavy or shaky in game. EXAMPLE: "@This@ @is@ @shaky.@" "~This~ ~is~ ~wavy.~"

    -Colors and text effects can be combined. However, the color must always come before the effect. EXAMPLE: "#y@CLANG@ #y@CLANG@"

    -Cards utilize dynamic values. These are !D!, !B!, !M!. They stand for Damage, Block, and Misc. EXAMPLE: "Deal !D! damage." EXAMPLE: "Gain !B! Block." EXAMPLE2: "Draw !M! cards."

    -Keywords found in keywords.json must be capitalized when they are shown on a card, power, or relic description. EXAMPLE: "Apply 2 Vulnerable."

    -NL stands for new line. New lines are added to make the text feel easier to read or separates two distinct sentences or quotes. There must be a space on either side for the new line to be appended. EXAMPLE: "Hello. NL I am Bob."

    -Sometimes descriptions will be disjointed. This is because we need to insert dynamic values into some text. EXAMPLE: "I ate #b", " pies." Would look like: "I ate #b6 pies." in the game

  2. Lore Quirks The animal references in Slay the Spire are misspelled because the animals aren't the same as the ones in our world, Earth- as the game doesn't take place anywhere near our time and place. Frog -> Phrog. Crane -> Krane. Bird -> Byrd are notable examples in the game.

  3. If you have any questions, please reach out to us in the #localization channel on Discord. Don't forget to collaborate with others that are working on your language.

Section 2: How to test

How to test localization for Slay the Spire:

  1. Create a backup of desktop-1.0.jar (copy/paste -> desktop-1.0.backup)
  2. Locate and extract the desktop-1.0.jar file (just like a ZIP file! We recommend using 7z)
  3. Choose and modify the language you wish to translate (Example: localization/eng/ui.json)
  4. Rename desktop-1.0.jar to
  5. Add your edited content into the zip, replacing the original contents.
  6. Rename to desktop-1.0.jar
  7. Run the game through SlayTheSpire.exe
  8. View your changes in-game! Wow!

Thanks, Anthony and Casey

Current Contributors

  • Paulo "SilverTape" Hauck
  • Gustavo "KomKlave" Duarte