Videre CMS -
Videre is a Content Management System (CMS) built with Microsoft technologies (C#, ASP.NET MVC, Razor) in the back-end and Bootstrap, jQuery, and jsRender for the UI and client.
It strives to provide a simple implementation of some complex features like
- Obvious CMS features (routes, menus, pages, file management, accounts, etc.)
- Extensibility everywhere (widgets, themes, layouts)
- Package Import / Export (widgets, layouts, content)
- Search support through Providers (Lucene)
- Localization
- Multi-portal capability
- Provider support for WYSIWYG Editors: CK, CL, HTML5
- Provider support for Account management
- Drag N Drop support for templates (page and layout)
- Content sharing between widget instances
- Context sensitive (in place) editors
- Comment control (home-grown videre implementation or Disquss)
- Document database through Resource Manager (file, azure blob, sql, mysql, raven)
Videre is a Latin word meaning "to see, to perceive; to look (at)"