
Primary LanguagePython

─ YTPy - Youtube mp4 video downloader ─

How to Install on Linux:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git -y

pip3 install pytube

pip3 install colorama

git clone https://github.com/rodricbr/ytpy

How to use + execute:

cd ytpy/;ls
python3 ytpy.py
Inside the program, type the file .txt name with the yt links
Type exit or ctrl + c to exit the program

Required libraries:


This program requires a .txt file with youtube links inside.
You must put yt links into the .txt in the SAME file as the YTPy program, the program reads and downloads the videos on each line of that .txt file. The downloaded videos will be in the same file as the YTPy program.
The videos are downloaded in a standard definition quality (SD 720p)
OBS: You can compile it in .exe and execute by calling the program name

This is for educational purpose only!