Viewing Party Solo - Base Repo

This is the base repo for the Viewing Party Solo project used for Turing's Backend Module 3.

About this Project

Viewing Party Solo is an application that allows users to explore movies and create a Viewing Party Event that invites users and keeps track of a host. Mainly, your job is to connect with an external API and collect relevant information on each movie, its cast, and other information, to display it on each Viewing Party page.


  1. Fork and Clone the repo
  2. Install gem packages: bundle install
  3. Setup the database: rails db:{create,migrate,seed}

Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the functionality and structure of the application so far.

When you run bundle exec rspec, you should have 26 passing tests (both features & models combined).

Use the application

rails s, navigate to and click around the site.


  • Ruby 3.2.2

  • Rails 7.1.2

Example wireframes to follow are found here