Globant Code Challenge - Rodrigo Guadalupe

This repository includes the implementation of Globant Backend Developer Code Challenge, that consists on an API that manages Organizations, Tibres, Repositories and Metrics. The challenge also includes a verification API used to validate the status of Repositories.

Tech Stack

  • Typescript
  • Node.js + Express.js
  • Prisma ORM + CockroachDB (Postgres)
  • Docker

Project Structure

The project structure is organized in the following directories:

├── verification-service     # Verification service Express app
    ├── src                 # Source files of the solution
    └── test                # Tests for solution services
├── repository-service      # Repository Express app
    ├── src                 # Source files of the solution
    ├── prisma              # Prisma ORM schema definition and migrations
    └── test                # Tests for solution services
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compose.yml

Environment Variables

The project has 2 main environment variables:

VERIFICATION_SERVICE_URL    # URL of the verification service API
DATABASE_URL                # CockroachDB Postgres database connection url


Here we could find guides to test, build and execute the solution.

Run tests

In order to run the project unit tests, we first need to go to repository-service directory.

cd repository-service

Then, we need to install the project's dependencies.

yarn install 
# or
npm install

Finally, to execute the unit test we run:

yarn test
# or
npm test

Tests run will be shown on CLI and a jest coverage report will be displayed and saved on a coverage directory.

We would follow the same steps to run the unit tests from the Anti-Fraud service, but this time with the verification-service directory.

cd verification-service
yarn install  or  npm install
yarn test  or  npm test

Build package

In order to generate a deployment ready build, we would follow the next steps for both applications:

cd repository-service
cd verification-service

Then, we need to install the project's dependencies.

yarn install 
# or
npm install

Finally, to create the build run the following command:

yarn build
# or
npm build

This will first execute the following steps:

  • Run project's tests
  • Create a Typescript build using the file

Docker Execution

Before starting the execution process:

  • Make sure that you have docker already installed (it could be docker-desktop or docker-engine).
  • Make sure you have docker Compose plugin installed (install compose-plugin). IMPORTANT: If you have a docker-desktop installation, the Compose plugin is already included.

First, we need to be on project root directory. There, we need to run the following command to build the services specified on the docker-compose.yml file:

docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build 

The compose file will create and run the following:

- Repository Service    (PORT:'3000')
- Verification Service   (PORT:'3005')

After the execution is completed, there is one last step to start using the application. We will call a seed function to populate some data in the database for the Repository Service.

yarn prisma db seed
# or
npm prisma db seed

This seed will create the following:

- 3 Organizations
- 2 Tribes for each Organization (6 total)
- 4 Repositories for each Tribe (24 total)
- 1 Metric for each Repository (24 total)

That's All !!

Now you can download and import the Postman Collection to start testing the app services.

Also you can find a published online version of the documentation here.

Other useful commands:

  • Stop all the services
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" down 
  • Restart all the services (It would execute down and up sequentially)
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" down 
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build