A complete Flutter Group Chat App with Firebase that supports video calls. It handles typing, received and read indicators, Group Management, closed app and opened app notifications, security, account creation, login, mutex for generating the numeric Agora UID and more.
- AbdulBasitabSargodha, Pakistan
- AlfaizkhanAppsByAlfaiz
- anujparashar9876Noida,Uttar pradesh
- artu-stMadrid, Spain
- chandan0000DEVSTRONS
- chenkuochou
- codewithkd77gandhinagar,gujrat
- Cornelius-MutisyanGeni IO
- emanuxd11FEUP
- futureo0
- gaoypChina
- hanhabeshaHeyFlutter
- Hemant-05hoshangabad
- jlyndsell
- joshuacodaRiverside, CA
- KshitijSh-2604Delhi
- lewisnguyen2804
- libiitechnologiesGoma, Democratic Republic Of Congo
- Niko191292
- nintyboy&Friends / Babbu
- oantajames@ApplicationsStudio
- Oswalt-Gottfried
- phorvicheka
- PreethiGomathy
- RaffaferreiraSão Paulo, Brazil
- raianxrp
- rikousikSquad Head
- sainideepanshu
- Scrat94
- UsmanKhanFlutterAptechmedia
- vietpham-stvg
- vitoriameneses
- yametekudasai222
- YenHsinWu
- yoseptara
- yoshinobufuruya1988